P a g e
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3.1. Display operation
“S” Key: Select Key
Switch / Select between wind speed units: m/s, knots, km/h, mph
“ “ Key: Backlight DIM control.
“F” Key: Function Key
Will alternate between: “Relative Mode”, True Mode”, and “Relative, Max wind interval setting Mode”
In the “Relative, Max wind interval setting Mode”, use the keys to select the wind speed interval
between 1, 2, 5 and 10 minutes.
NOTE: “True Mode”; This selection will show “ERR” when connected directly to the EOS-500.
Indications / Alarms
“ERR” indications that the display doesn’t receive any NMEA data, or the data is
incorrect. The “ERR” will also occur in case “TRUE” is selected but no true wind data is
“- - --“
Incorrect data
“_ _ _”
NMEA is received but other than the required “MWV”