If the water is being treated for it to be used as drinking water, wait until the ozone has completely
disappeared from the water. This takes anywhere from five minutes to one hour depending on
water temperature, iron content and other factors. Water can be consumed as soon as the smell of
Ozone cannot be detected any more.
The EOD MINI EORG Generator works best in cold or cool water (less than 20°C).
The EOD MINI forms ROS and aqueous ozone. Generator does not work in water with very low
electrical conductivity. Therefore, the device should not be used with e.g. ion exchanged battery
water or water purified by reverse osmosis.
With the EOD MINI it is not possible to “over enrich” the water, but it is possible that the enriching
does not reach the desired level for the intended purpose. If this happens, repeat the treatment of
water with the EOD MINI Generator.
Correct operation of the device can be visibly observed as soon as the device is switched on whilst
submerged in clear water. Stream(s) of micro bubbles with a milky appearance will start to rise from
the electrolysis plates.
The water is quickly filled with micro bubbles, becoming milky in appearance. When the device is
turned off, the micro bubbles immediately begin to dissolve into the water. The water is ready for
disinfection once most of the micro bubbles have dissolved (i.e. the water resumes a clear
Examples and notes
For the preparation of sufficiently concentrated disinfectant in a water volume of five (5) liters (at
20oC room temperature), let the device run un-interrupted for twenty (20) minutes. In a water
volume of ten (10) liters, the corresponding operation time required is forty (40) minutes.
Continuous use of the EOD MINI ROS generator for longer than one hour (60 minutes) is not
recommended. In between uses, allow the EOD MINI ROS generator as well as the current
transformer time to cool down, should they have become warm during the process.
NOTE: In Highly conductive waters (high TDS value) the device might become noticeably warm
NOTE: In waters with low electrical conductivity (low TDS value) the reaction might not start. By adding a
trace amount of mineral water into the mix, the reaction should start.
NOTE: Never add any chemicals or other additives (apart from mineral water) into the water being
treated. This may result into unpredicted chemical compounds becoming airborne and EOD Europe
accepts no liability of any harm to materials or persons due to this.
Storage of the device
When not in use, the device must be kept in a clean, dry, area or container. The apparatus must not be
exposed to temperatures o 60 °C and -20 °C. Allow the device to entirely dry out before stowing it
Maintenance of electrodes
Water typically contains a variety of minerals such as calcium carbonate. These minerals accumulate slowly
onto the surfaces of the electrodes. Accumulation of the calcium may thereby slow down the electrolysis
process. When the micro bubble formation appears weak, clean the electrodes as identified below