Enviro Cams DS05M Скачать руководство пользователя страница 35


IP Video 



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Содержание DS05M


Страница 2: ...the door station operating temperature is 40 C to 50 C avoid exposure to direct sunlight and do not locate the door station near any heat sources do not locate the door station near any electrical ap...

Страница 3: ...rculation in the area where the door station is located Cleaning Use a soft dry cloth for cleaning door station s external surfaces It is acceptable to use some detergent for removing persistent dirt...

Страница 4: ...quipment all on your sy installat Pic ant housin connection devices th light switc built in in cted to the supplied fro pport impro rtant data a OS 1 3 SO 264 H264 all resolutio l Descrip for building...

Страница 5: ...watching records Built in microphone and speaker Power DC 12V 0 5A P E 802 3af Class 0 for DS05MP only Operating temperature 40 to 50 Protocols supported TCP IP IPv4 IPv6 UDP HTTP NTP RTP RTSP DHCP DN...

Страница 6: ...ficatio combined and the Gu ombined w er Manual hapter 3 n below Pic c cell for D s the Clien t to watch w t emitting low light le on is sent to d with the est with a brac l Overvi 3 1 Day Night m t t...

Страница 7: ...ller is u or opening annel cont ocket ETH the contro Pic 3 3 er Manual Pic r connecti tton 3 time default ated inside used for p and signa troller can HERNET ller to a ro 3 Controller l 3 2 ng the do...

Страница 8: ...ction er Manual c 3 4 Contr rovided by af Class 0 ontroller is 5 Controller c 3 6 Contr is used h cable Th see parag S01 connec ng a cable c ARM OUT n to the 1 c l roller NC301 y the NC10 s given on t...

Страница 9: ...open and the A and pins are normally closed The G and 12V pins of the NC101 controller without PoE support are used for DC 12V power supplying of the door station It is necessary to connect a power su...

Страница 10: ...tation can to be don llation Use hapter 4 mation n be conn e and inst er Manual Door S ected dire Pic tallation re l Station In ectly to a 4 1 ecommend Cha nstallati computer dations are apter 4 Do io...

Страница 11: ...convenient for the Guest to talk with the Client It is recommended to install the door station at height of about 1 5 m above the floor Then it is recommended to provide the uninterrupted power supply...

Страница 12: ...ease the distance between the electric and feeble current cables or reduce the electromagnetic noise Twisted pair and electric cables should cross each other at right angles Unshielded twisted pair ca...

Страница 13: ...u u 9 mm in dia den and op drill a hole bracket pla fix a cabl bottom of 4 3 er Manual in the door on memory ackage cont Pic 4 2 ut 1 5 m mounting s Pic els in the h use not fro ameter pen ways o e fo...

Страница 14: ...d on the pic er Manual Pic onnector fro rmation on S01 connec ng a cable c P FTP con ht through he cable in length to c eed in case ble to the d e appropria cture below l 4 3 om the pac n how to ctor...

Страница 15: ...y don t ch er Manual Pic cket frame ation during Pic P camera s are 45 f nserted in t up to the be any spa is fixed we tion notche hange doo l 4 4 and door g operation 4 5 must be c from the m the bra...

Страница 16: ...the par llation Use station insi ntents To Pic 4 7 RJ45 conne agraph 4 5 er Manual Pic de the bra do so pu Pic ector to the 5 l 4 6 acket frame ush the br 4 7 e other end Cha e using the racket fram d...

Страница 17: ...o d by the war e crimped er Pic 3 5 door lock on scheme wn on the s he NC301P S05M pack station the er Manual nnected the orm The rranty cable to 5 3 6 controller t s are given schemes 2 P2 controller...

Страница 18: ...P packag r lock and tation use oE and the to supply f the total t bigger t ws er Manual mended by E current rate nt should no ge conten Pic its contro PoE suppl G and 1 y all using l energy c han 500...

Страница 19: ...e d by the NC alue will be d by the ex er Manual Pic ng on the ed in their d ause some r source for used as an ipment su ee the doc G and 1 C101P NC3 exceeded xceeding o l 4 10 scheme ab documentat pr...

Страница 20: ...by Enviro Cams 4 4 Memory Card Installation Do as follows to install a memory card Step 1 remove the 4 screws and open the split type door station housing The memory card slot is situated on the uppe...

Страница 21: ...ills you can make it by yourself A straight RJ 45 cable UTP category 5e One end Other end 1 White and orange 1 White and orange 2 Orange 2 Orange 3 White and green 3 White and green 4 Blue 4 Blue 5 Wh...

Страница 22: ...hm ocal Netw door statio Control w click on t er Manual Wired C together w to the net work param shown for O ystem menu ment proces work Para on using an Panel Pic Pic the View l Connect with compu tw...

Страница 23: ...al tion Instal ed window active netw llation Use w click on th works choos er Manual Pic he Local A Pic se the one t l 5 2 Area Conn 5 3 that you are Chap nection P e going to co pter 5 Wir Pic 5 3 on...

Страница 24: ...window es button w opens dis ure the IP llation Use w click the w select the Pic 5 5 splaying in address er Manual Propertie Pic e Internet Pic nformation l es button 5 4 t Protocol 5 5 about the Chap...

Страница 25: ...n y o paragrap IP addres ollowing pa er Manual utomatical your netwo ph 5 1 1 to Pic ss an IP ad Pic arameters l ly select ork Pic 5 define the 5 6 ddress is s 5 7 IP addres Chap this optio 6 If an IP...

Страница 26: ...to ocal Netw to define th HCP server laptop to ng twork setti w click on t er Manual k parameter o connect it work Param he local net o your loca ngs go to Pic the View l rs then it w to a local n met...

Страница 27: ...l tion Instal ed window active netw llation Use w click on th works choos er Manual Pic he Local A Pic se the one t l 5 9 Area Conn 5 10 that you are Chap nection P e going to co pter 5 Wir Pic 5 10 o...

Страница 28: ...the opene tion Instal ed window ed window llation Use w click the w you can s er Manual Details b Pic see the cur Pic l button Pic 5 11 rrent netwo 5 12 Chap 5 11 ork connec pter 5 Wir ction detail re...

Страница 29: ...following information in the Network Connection Details window DHCP Enabled Yes IPv4 Address Autoconfiguration xxx xxx xxx xxx where xxx xxx xxx xxx is an IP address value it means that wired connecti...

Страница 30: ...opene tion Instal ed window Pic 5 14 ed window llation Use w click on t w click on t er Manual Pic the View Pic the Local l 5 13 network s 5 14 Area Con Chap status and nnection pter 5 Wir d tasks in...

Страница 31: ...e opene tion Instal active netw ed window llation Use works choos w click the er Manual Pic se the one t Propertie Pic l 5 15 that you are es button 5 16 Chap e going to co Pic 5 16 pter 5 Wir onnect...

Страница 32: ...click the P w you nee ess and ty 8 0 20 and 18 in the all o er Manual opened wi Properties Pic ed to spec ype an unu d 255 255 Pic opened win l ndow sele button P 5 17 cify an IP a sed IP add 255 0 in...

Страница 33: ...ou will see r station we at the bo aControl A er Manual ation Usin ess the doo equires Inte e address the numbe tion is 192 1 u connect v Pic ation Web e the autho eb interfac ottom of th ActiveX Co l...

Страница 34: ...tal w to start i eX compone the Intern 21 will see the llation Use nstallation ents is only et Explore following w er Manual Pic possible fo er security Pic window Pi l 5 20 r 32 bit Inte system blo 5...

Страница 35: ...options in owsers stallation bl al system n er enter do Login P er Manual Pic OK You will appear o w will appea Pic you will s to finish A Pic Windows 7 ocking in W notification oor station Pic 5 25 l...

Страница 36: ...Door Stat everything Pic 5 26 tion Instal g was don llation Use e correctly er Manual Pic y you will Pic l 5 25 start recei 5 26 Chap ving a vide pter 5 Wir eo stream red Connec from door ction Settin...

Страница 37: ...N Pic er Manual correctly llowing the Pic on Netwo ion to the ices e g c mputer work r mputer is 1 ple the 1st ange the IP s your comp 8 0 XX You puter and ot gs through c 5 27 l you can d e instructi...

Страница 38: ...Use ess Sub provide joi e settings y ator if you n he change oor station w station netw er Manual Pic bnet Mask nt work of you had to need help es will be ava work settin l 5 27 k Gatewa f the door wr...

Страница 39: ...rol ed window Pic 5 29 llation Use work Sett connection l Panel Pi w click on er Manual tings of P settings to ic 5 28 Pic the View Pic l PC to the o their prev 5 28 network s 5 29 Chap Previous vious...

Страница 40: ...Instal ed window ed window Internet llation Use w click on t w click the Protocol er Manual the Local Pic Propertie Pic Version 4 l Area Con 5 30 es button 5 31 4 TCP IP Chap nnection Pic 5 31 Pv4 me...

Страница 41: ...ettings w d the Ob llation Use w of the co 5 1 1 were ass btain DNS er Manual Pic onnection p igned aut server ad Pic l 5 32 properties tomatically ddress au 5 33 Chap you need y use the utomatica pte...

Страница 42: ...ied server ad K Pic 5 3 Connectio settings of orer plorer go to of your do er Manual manually dresses 34 Pic on Setting f your doo o Start A or station i Pic l use the U options a 5 34 gs r station an...

Страница 43: ...ngs are co ck OK Pi me is admin g was done llation Use rrect an a ic 5 36 n the defau e correctly er Manual authorizatio ult password Pic you will s l on window d is admin 5 36 see the vide Chap w wil...

Страница 44: ...s step Conta tion Instal s not appea ct your syst llation Use ared on you tem adminis er Manual Pic r display re strator if you l 5 37 eturn to the u need help Chap chapter s b p pter 5 Wir beginning...

Страница 45: ...ion nt or the G ccordingly st side do ell as on a t side PC r when on oo high to the micr ed up so as sitive emove the the Clien follow the ducing the of audio s effect on t follows und Rec nsure that...

Страница 46: ...on the Levels tab It is recommended to set microphone boost level to 0 dB volume level to 100 It is also necessary to ensure that the Listen to this device option is disabled on the Listen tab reduce...

Страница 47: ...ce volume level of the PC speakers to the minimal appropriate level Moreover you can adjust the gain of sound transmitted from the PC microphone to the door station speaker in the Web User Interface G...

Страница 48: ...mputer Door Station Controller is used for powering the door station network connection processing the signal of door opening and signals of other devices that can be connected to the door station Gue...

Страница 49: ...e Client can control the electronic door lock and some other devices connected to the door station controller PoE Injector is a device that stands between a regular Ethernet switch and the powered dev...
