4. Mounting and installation
The AirSafe PM can be mounted on any flat surface or on a wall using mounting brackets (ENVEA recommend
install the sensor in a flat position if possible). The sensor is designed for monitoring ambient air in workplaces in
industries such as cement plants, foundries, wood workshops, incineration plants or logistic warehouses.
The AirSafe PM can be easily mounted to most surfaces and areas:
• In or around process areas
• Storage rooms
• Laboratories
• Changing rooms
In or around office areas
• Other footfall areas of health and safety exposure concern
• Areas of air quality monitoring requirements
Install the AirSafe PM as near as possible to air intakes, areas of air movement, and areas of static air/settlement
where people work. When positioned near the ventilation and filtration apparatus, the AirSafe PM can be used
to monitor the effectiveness of the ventilation and filtration process.
AirSafe PM can be used only indoors, DO NOT use outdoors.