Gold Telephone Entry Controller
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100
01801-001 Rev. 2.2
San Jose, CA 95112 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309
Web: http://www.kerisys.com E-mail: [email protected]
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Quick S
tart Guide
– Gold
Modem to PC Serial Connection
Keri Systems does not provide this cable. It is an off-the-shelf item from any computer supplier or electronics store, and
its configuration is dependent upon the configuration of the serial port on the host computer. Based on the serial port,
there are four possible cables.
If the modem has a male DB-25 connector and the host computer’s serial port has a female DB-9 connector,
purchase or create a cable as shown in Figure 28.
If the modem has a male DB-25 connector and the host computer’s serial port has a female DB-25 connector,
purchase or create a cable as shown in Figure 29.
If the modem has a male DB-9 connector and the host computer’s serial port has a female DB-9 connector,
purchase or create a cable as shown in Figure 30 on page 25.
If the modem has a male DB-9 connector and the host computer’s serial port has a female DB-25 connector,
purchase or create a cable as shown in Figure 31 on page 25.
NOTE: Keri Systems requires using modems from the same manufacturer at both the host computer and the access
control network. This eliminates the possibility of incompatibilities between modems from two different manufacturers
from affecting the communication between access control network and host computer. Keri Systems cannot be held
responsible for problems caused by incompatibilities between modems from two different manufacturers.
Figure 28: Modem/DB-25M to PC/DB-9F PC Serial COM Port Connection
Figure 29: Modem/DB-25M to PC/DB-25F PC Serial COM Port Connection