Gold Telephone Entry Controller
1530 Old Oakland Road, Suite 100
01801-001 Rev. 2.2
San Jose, CA 95112 USA
(800) 260-5265 (408) 451-2520 FAX (408) 441-0309
Web: http://www.kerisys.com E-mail: [email protected]
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– Gold
Quick S
tart Guide
This quick start guide provides, basic installation information, drawings, first time power-on instructions, and short
descriptions of key terms and concepts for installing the EntraGuard Gold Telephone Entry controller. The EntraGuard
Gold controller may be used alone or may be connected to a PXL network.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the installation organization to have only technically qualified personnel performing
the installation.
Figure 1: The EntraGuard Gold Telephone Entry Controller - Mechanical Keypad Front Panel
1. If the EntraGuard Gold unit is connected to a PXL-250 network, the EntraGuard unit must be the master