Troubleshooting Checklist
Cannot contact
the module
through in-band
IP address not assigned.
Refer to the MATRIX E5 Series Modules
Local Management User’s Guide for the IP
address assignment procedure.
Port is disabled.
Enable port. Refer to the MATRIX E5 Series
Modules Local Management User’s Guide
for instructions to enable/disable ports.
No link to device.
1. Verify that all network connections
between the network management station
and the module are valid and operating.
2. If the problem continues, contact Enterasys
Networks for technical support.
Port(s) goes into
standby for no
apparent reason.
Loop condition detected.
1. Verify that Spanning Tree is enabled.
Refer to the MATRIX E5 Series Modules
Local Management User’s Guide for the
instructions to set the type of STA.
2. Review the network design and delete
unnecessary loops.
3. If the problem continues, contact Enterasys
Networks for technical support.
User parameters
(IP address,
Device and
Module name,
etc.) were lost
when the module
power was cycled
or the front panel
RESET button
was pressed.
1. Position of Mode switch
(7), NVRAM Reset, was
changed sometime
before either cycling
power or pressing the
RESET button, causing
the user-entered
parameters to reset to
factory default settings.
2. Clear NVRAM was set
through Local
1. Reenter the lost parameters as necessary.
Refer to the MATRIX E5 Series Modules
Local Management User’s Guide for the
instructions to configure the device
through Local Management.
2. If the problem continues, contact Enterasys
Networks for technical support.
Table 4-2
Troubleshooting Checklist (Continued)
Possible Cause
Recommended Action