1 Introduction
Designed for non-destructive coating thickness measurement, it is
with built-in sensor, and works on the magnetic induction principle
and conforms to the following industrial norms and standards:
GB/T 4956, JB/T 8393, DIN EN ISO 2178, ASTM B499
The instrument is ideal for uncomplicated reliable on-site
applications. With its integrated measurement probe, measures the
thicknesses of coatings quickly and non-destructively utilizing the
magnetic induction.
It is suitable for non-destructive, quick and precise coating thickness
measurement. Easy to handle they are the ideal instrument for the
finishing industry, electroplating, ship and bridge building, aircraft
construction and the engineering and chemical industry.
1.1 Principle
The coating thickness gauge work on the magnetic-induction
principle for measuring the thickness of non-magnetic coatings(such
as paint, enamel, rubber, aluminium, chrome, cupper, tin etc.) on
magnetic metal substrates(ferrous bases and steel,also on alloyed
steel or on hardened magnetic steel, but not on austenitic steel or
weak magnetic steel).
When an alternating current electromagnet is brought near iron (or
the other magnetic metals) the number of magnetic flux lines
passing through the coil changes in proportion to the distance,
thereby causing a change in the voltage at the ends of the coil. This
change in voltage is determined from the current value and this is
used to compute the thickness of the coating.