WitH rEgard to tHiS MaNual
intended use ...............................................................................................18
residuAL risKs .............................................................................................18
SafEty WarNiNgS
dAnGer For chiLdren ..............................................................................19
dAnGer due to eLectricity .....................................................................19
dAnGer oF dAmAGe oriGinAtinG From other cAuses ....................20
WarNiNg of burNS
WarNiNg – MatErial daMagE
description oF the AppLiAnce ...............................................................22
preLiminAry phAses For use ...................................................................24
HoW to MakE CoffEE
cLeAninG the AppLiAnce ...........................................................................26
decALciFicAtion .........................................................................................27
puttinG out oF service ............................................................................27
troubLeshootinG ......................................................................................28
technicAL dAtA ..........................................................................................29
Содержание 151267.01
Страница 9: ...9 IT Fig 1 D E F C A L K B G H I M J...
Страница 23: ...23 EN Fig 1 D E F C A L K B G H I M J...
Страница 37: ...SL 37 Fig 1 D E F C A L K B G H I M J...
Страница 51: ...HR 51 Fig 1 D E F C A L K B G H I M J...