Prohlášení o shodě
ENIKA.CZ s. r. o.
190 00 PRAHA 9, Pod Harfou 933/86
IČO: 28218167
tímto prohlašuje, že výrobek
typové označení:
druh výrobku:
infrapasivní snímač pohybu vysílací
868,3 MHz
vf výkon:
10 dBm
je ve shodě se základními požadavky
NV 426/2000 Sb.
v platném
znění a s
NV 481/2012 Sb.
platném znění
odpovídá základním požadavkům a dalším ustanovením evropské di-
1999/5/ES (R&TTE)
(Směrnice o radiových zařízeních a tele-
unikačních koncových zařízeních a vzájemném uznávání jejich
shody) a evropské direktivy
2011/65/EU (RoHS)
splňuje požadavky těchto norem a předpisů:
rádiové parametry, EMC:
EN 300 220-1 V2.1.1: 2007
EN 300 220-2 V2.1.1: 2006
ČSN ETSI EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1: 2003
elektrická bezpečnost:
ČSN EN 60950-1 ed.2: 2006
Toto prohlášení je vydáno na výhradní odpovědnost výrobce.
Nové Pace dne 28.02.2013
ng. Vladimír Militký,
řízení sytému jakosti
Adjusting elements
There are three adjusting elements on the rear side:
a) LIGHT (response threshold)
The switch responses to movement if the illumination
level in the installation location is lower than the set value.
If the level of ambient illumination is higher, the device will
be deactivated (the signal will not be transmited even in
case of movement detection). If set to the left limit
position ( ), the device will transmit the ON signal in any
level of illumination, while in the right limit position ( ), it
will transmit only when it is dark.
b) TIME (switch-off delay/suppression of transmitting)
Use this adjustment in the
mode to set the
switch-off delay, i.e. the duration of the ON status of the
luminary from the time of the last movement detection. A
period between 20 seconds and 60 minutes can be set.
The middle position represents a period of approximately
10 minutes.
In the
mode, the switch-off delay is set on the
receiver, which must be set to the
function. The
adjusting element on the switch is used to set
transmission suppression in three values. Transmission
suppression means the minimum period between two
switch-on signal transmissions in case of continual
movements in the detection zone of the switch. The "-"
limit position represents 1 minute, the middle position
5 minutes and the "+" limit position 15 minutes.
c) MODE setting
The factory setting of the function is the
mode. If
you need to change the mode to
, turn the adjustment
element to the marked limit position.
The duration of transmission suppression should
correspond to at least half of the switch-off delay period
set on the receiver timer. This means that for suppression
of a transmitting time of 1 minute, it is desirable to set the
receiver timer from 2 to 5 minutes, etc.
Change in setting of switch-off delay / suppression of
transmitting will be applied only after the previously set
time is pased or immediately after pressing the INIT
transmission button (fig. 3)!
In order to achieve maximum battery life, the number of
transmissions must be minimized. Therefore, it is better (if
the specific operating conditions permit it) not to set an
unnecessarily short switch-off delay in ON/OFF mode and
identicaly not to set the shortest duration of transmission
suppression in the ON mode.
How to program the PIR switch to the receiver
- On the receiver, set the required function (see the
instruction manual of the appropriate receiver)
according to the receiver mode -
for the
transmitter mode or
for the
transmitter mode.
- To transmit the RF signal necessary for registration
(programming) it to the receiver memory, press the
button on the switch with the lens
blinded (fig. 3). The signal transmission is indicated by
flashing of the LED under the switch lens.
ENIKA.CZ s.r.o. hereby declares that this P8 T PS W
device complies with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.