Once you’ve chosen the position of the on-screen camera
image, use the following procedures to adjust the width/
height of the video window divider, relative to your PC
• If the on-screen camera image is positioned to the
left or right of your display, hold down the [SHIFT]
button while pressing either the left or right arrow
keys on your PC keyboard to increase or display.
decrease the width of the video divider window. This
adjustment is useful when viewing magnified documents
side-by-side with your PC display.
• If the on-screen camera image is positioned to the top or
bottom of your display, hold down the [SHIFT] button while
pressing either the up or down arrow keys on your PC
keyboard to increase or decrease the height of the
video divider window. This adjustment is useful
when viewing magnified documents above and
below your PC display.
Chapter 5 Using the Transformer