EnGenius Wireless USB
2. USB Adapter for Windows
2.1. Before You Begin
During the installation, Windows may need to copy systems files from its installation
CD. Therefore, you may need a copy of the Windows installation CD at hand before
installing the drivers. On many systems, instead of a CD, the necessary installation
files are archived on the hard disk in C:\WINDOWS \OPTIONS\CABS directory.
Wi-Fi Alliance certification recommends WPA2 AES to be the security
mechanism under 11N mode. System driver will automatically bring down
wireless data rate to 54Mbps if other security method such as WEP or WPA
is used under 11n mode.
If your 11N router is using security mechanism other than WPA2 AES, you
are recommended to disable security setting or change it to WPA2 AES to
fully utilize 11N capability. This policy has no effect if connecting with b/g
only wireless access point.