ENERGY SISTEM Energy d8 HDTV Скачать руководство пользователя страница 10



You can create a shortlist of favourite programs that you can easily access.


Select the preferred program, and then press the Favourite button. It will appear a list called 
“Favorite type” and you must choose one of these types. A red point symbol will appear and the 
program is marked as a favourite.


Repeat the previous step to select more Favourite programs.


To disable favourite channels, press “Disable” in the “Favourite type” list.


To confirm and exit the Menu, press the EXIT key.



Press the Favourite button and the Favourite Menu will appear.


Press up/down to select your Favourite Programs.


Press right/left buttons to change the “Favourite type”


Press OK to select your favourite program.



Select the Program and then press the BLUE button. A message will appear. Press OK to delete 
the program.


Repeat the previous step to select more programs to delete.



Select the program you would like to skip and press the GREEN button. A skip symbol is displa-
yed. The program is marked as a skip.


Repeat the previous step to select more programs.


To confirm and exit the menu, press EXIT key.


Press the GREEN button on the skip program with the skip symbol.



Select the preferred program then press the RED button. A move symbol will appear.


Press UP/DOWN to move the program.


Press OK to confirm.


Repeat the above steps to move more channels.


You can lock selected programs for restricted view.
Lock a TV or Radio Program:

Содержание Energy d8 HDTV

Страница 1: ...29 ENGLISH User Manual ...

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Страница 3: ...r moisture Safety Considerations Positionthecablessothattheycannotbewalkedonorpinchedbyitemsplacedonoragainst them Donotusethesettopboxinhumidordampconditions Donotallowthesettopboxtogetwet Donotexposethesettopboxtodrippingorsplashing Donotplacewaterfilledobjectssuchasvasesontopofthesettopbox Donotplacenakedflamesources suchascandles onthetopofthesettopbox Ventilation Theslotsandopeningsonthesetto...

Страница 4: ...esettopboxbeforeyoucleanit Donotuseliquidoraerosolcleaners Cleanthesettopboxwithasoft damp notwet cloth d8 handling and care Placetheproductinawell ventilatedarea Don tinstallitinthecoldorunderdirectsunlight Leaveaminimum10cmgapallaroundtheproduct Donotdisassemble repair orreorganizetheproduct Don tplacecupswithwaterorotherliquids onthetopoftheproduct Don tplaceobjectsonthetopoftheproduct ...

Страница 5: ...e 3 Rear panel 1 RFIN Thissocketconnectstoyourexternalaerial 2 RFLOOPTHROUGH ThissocketwillbypasstheRFsignaltoeitheryourTVoranothervideo system 3 HDMI High DefinitionMultimediaInterface 4 SCARTOUT ThissocketconnectstoyourTV 5 VIDEOOUT Compositevideooutput 6 COAXIALAUDIOOUT PlugintheSPDIFRCAcoaxialdigitalinputofyourAVReceiver 7 AUDIOOUT L R Analogaudioout 8 POWERCABLE Thisisusedtoconnecttoyourmainp...

Страница 6: ...rsinmenus 16 AUDIO Selecttheavailableaudiotrackorsetthesoundmodeas LR stereo LL left RR right 17 MUTE Mute unmutethesound 18 SLOW Slowmotionplayback DVD Changeaspectratio TV 19 ANGLE SelectsaDVDcameraangleifavailable DVD OpenPVRbooking menu TV 20 REV Fastbackwardatselectablespeeds 21 FWD Fastforwardatselectablespeeds 22 PREVIOUS Gotopreviouschapter track fileortothebeginningofthe currentlyplayingo...

Страница 7: ...allthebatteries 1 Openthecover 2 Installthebatteries 3 Closethecover 4 3 Using the Remote Control Tousetheremotecontrolpointittowardsthefrontofthedigitalsettopbox Theremotecontrolhasarangeofupto7metres 23feet fromthesettopboxatanangleofupto 60degrees Theremotecontrolwillnotoperateifitspathisblocked Sunlightorverybrightlightwilldecreasethesensitivityoftheremotecontrol O PEN CLO SE 30º 30º ...

Страница 8: ...eventtheriskofelectricshock donotopenthecoverorthebackofthereceiver Whenconnectingthereceivertootherequipment e g TV VCRandamplifier makesuretoreferto relevantusermanualforinstruction Also makesureyoudisconnectalltheequipmentsfromthe mainssupplybeforetheconnection TV VCR Antena SistemaA V RF IN SCART HDMI ...

Страница 9: ...3 Select ChannelSearch andpressRIGHTorOKkey tobeginAutomaticchannelsearch 4 Oncechanneltuningiscomplete youarenowready towatchTV 7 BASIC OPERATION 7 1 Program Settings ToaccesstheMenu presstheMENUbuttonandselect Program TheMenuprovidesoptionstoadjustthe ProgramSettings SelectanoptionandpressOKor RIGHTtoadjustthatsetting PresstheEXITbuttonto exittheMenu 7 1 1 PROGRAM EDIT Toedityourprogrampreferenc...

Страница 10: ...he Favouritetype 4 PressOKtoselectyourfavouriteprogram Delete a TV or Radio Program 1 SelecttheProgramandthenpresstheBLUEbutton Amessagewillappear PressOKtodelete theprogram 2 Repeattheprevioussteptoselectmoreprogramstodelete Skip TV or Radio Program 1 SelecttheprogramyouwouldliketoskipandpresstheGREENbutton Askipsymbolisdispla yed Theprogramismarkedasaskip 2 Repeattheprevioussteptoselectmoreprogr...

Страница 11: ...evendaysinadvance PresstheGUIDE buttonontheRemoteControltoaccesstheguide YoucanusetheUP DOWNkeytoselectthepreferred program Ifthereismorethanonepageofinformation usetheBLUEbuttonforpageupandtheYELLOW buttonforpagedown Note TheavailabilityofEPGinformationdependsonthebroadcastingchannel 7 1 3 SORT Sort your channels from the following options 1 LCN Sortthechannelsinascendingorder 2 Name Sortthechann...

Страница 12: ...ntonconvencional4 3TVwithblackbars aboveandbelowthepicture 4 3PS PanScan Typicallyforwidescreencontentonconvencional4 3TVwithleftandright edgescropped 16 9 Typicallyforwidescreen16 9TV 7 2 2 Resolution Ifthevideoisnotdisplayedcorrectly changethesettings Thisoptionistomatchthemostcommon configurationforHDMI 480i ForNTSCsystemTV 480p ForNTSC systemTV 576i ForPALsystemTV 576p ForPAL systemTV 720p For...

Страница 13: ...andinstallallchannelsautomatically Thisoption overwritesallpresetchannels 1 Select AutoSearch andpressOKorRIGHTtostart channelsearch 2 Tocancelchannelsearch pressEXIT 7 3 2 Manual Search Installnewchannelsmanually Thisoptionaddsnewchan nelswithoutchangingthecurrentchannelslist 1 Select ManualSearch thenpressOKorRIGHT The channelsearchscreenwillappear 2 PresstheRIGHT LEFTkeytoselectthechannel frequ...

Страница 14: ...offsetadjustments 7 4 2 Country Region SelecttheCountryRegionwhen TimeOffset issettoAuto 7 4 3 Time Zone SelecttheTimeZoneOffsetwhen TimeOffset issettoManual 7 4 4 SLEEP Thisoptionactivatesthepowersavingmode Ifyouselecttheoption On 3hours thedevicewill poweroffafterthreehoursofinactivity 7 5 OSD OPTIONS ToconfiguretheOSDmenu pressthemenubuttonand selecttheOPTIONicon Themenuprovidesoptionsto config...

Страница 15: ... System Themenuprovidesoptionstoadjustthesystemsettings PresstheUP DOWNkeytoselectanoptionandpress RIGHT LEFTtoadjustthesetting PressEXITtoexittheMenu 7 6 1 Parental Guidance Youcanrestrictaccesstochannelsthatareunsuitableforchildren Torestrict lockthechannelyou willneedtoentereitherthedefaultpassword 000000 oryourownpassword 7 6 2 Set Password Setorchangethepasswordforlockedprograms Enteryouroldp...

Страница 16: ...indicatedas Start Time 7 7 USB ToaccesstheMenu presstheMENUbuttonandselect USB usingtheRIGHT LEFTkeys Themenuprovides optionstoplaybackMusic Photo VideoandMultimedia files TheunitwillsupportUSBdeviceswithFAT32andNTFS filesystem 7 7 1 MULTIMEDIA Fromthemultimediamenuyoucanaccessinformation storedinanexternaldeviceconnectedviaUSB Whena USBdevicesisattachedyoucanselectfromtheMusic Photo MovieorPVRopt...

Страница 17: ...eybackground Yellowgreen Displaysthesubtitleinyellowgreenbackground Subtitle Font Color Red DisplaysSubtitleinredfont Blue DisplaysSubtitleinbluefont Green DisplaysSubtitleingreenfont White DisplaysSubtitleinwhitefont Black DisplaysSubtitleinblackfont Note We cannot guarantee compatibility operation and or bus power with all USB mass storage devices and assumes no responsibility for any loss of da...

Страница 18: ...nnel Press stop buttontoexit Whilerecording youcanpress Play keytostarttostartthetimeshiftfeaturetoreviewtheprogram whilerecordingisinprogress Thenyoucanuse FR or FF keytoselecttherecordedsegmentyou wanttowatchorreview whiletherecordingprocesscontinuesitsnormalcourse Press exit tohide thetimeshiftbar Press INFO keytoshowdetailedinformation andtoshowagainthetimeshiftbar Press STOP keytofinishtherec...

Страница 19: ...ding Youcanrenamethefilebyclickingthegreenbutton ToplayrecordedprogramspressLISTintheremotecontrolandselectthefilewithup downbuttons thenpressOKtoplayit YoumusthaveaUSBdatastoragedeviceconnected Theplaybackandrecordedmultimediafiles shouldbesupportedwithUSBdevicesinFAT FAT32andNTFSformat 9 DVD Configuration PressSETUPbuttontoaccesstoDVDsetupmenu Language Video Audio Rating Misc 9 1 Language 9 1 1 ...

Страница 20: ...3TVwithleftandrightedges cropped 16 9 Typicallyforwidescreen16 9TV 9 2 2 TV system Setthestandardvideosignal NTSC PAL Auto 9 2 3 Video Out Setthevideooutput Composite RGB HD 9 2 4 Smart Picture Itallowsyoutosetvideoparameterslikebrightness contrastorcoloroftheimage 9 2 5 HD Resolution SettheHDoutputresolution ItdependsontheconnectedTV Youcanconfigureitasautomatic Note ThismenuisenabledwhenTVandd8a...

Страница 21: ...9 5 1 Use default settings ResettheDVDtothedefaultfactorysettings Enteryourpasswordorthedefaultpassword 6666 andpressOKtoconfirm Thisoptionwilldeleteallsettings 9 5 2 Screensaver Enableordisableascreensaverwhichappearsafterpausetime 10 Basic operation on DVD DuringDVDplayback youcanaccesstoseveralfunctionsfromtheremotecontrolofyourd8 PresstheMENUbuttontogototheDVDmenu PressINFOifyouwanttodisplayth...

Страница 22: ...n PressAUDIOtochangetheaudiolanguageofthemoviewhileitisplaying PressSUBTITLEtochangethesubtitlelanguageofthemoviewhileitisplaying UsetootheconventionalbuttonsPlay Pause Stop Reverse Forward PreviousandNext foundin thetopoftheremote 11 FIRMWARE UPDATE ToupdatethefirmwareofyourTDTHD3 visitourdownloadsectioninourwebsite www energysis tem comYouwillfindallthefilesandinstructionsneededtoupdatesuccessfu...

Страница 23: correctly Thesoundismute Switchonthesoundby pressingtheMUTEkey Incorrectaudiotrack Tryanotheraudiotrack Onlysound noimageonthe screen Noorincorrectconnection withHDMIcable ConnecttheHDMIcable correctly Theprogramisaradio program Press TV RADIO keyto shiftintoTVmode Remotecontrolunitisnot workable Thebatteryisexhausted Changenewbattery Remotecontrolunitisnotin therightoppositeoftheIR receivero...

Страница 24: ...rFormat MPEG4AVC H 264HP L4 MPEG2MP ML HL OutputFormat 576p 720p 1080i 4 3 16 9 OutputPort HDMI SingleSCART Audio DecoderFormat MPEG 1 layer1 2 AudioOutput Digitalaudio S PDIF Power Voltage DC5VSupply Consumption Max 8W Stanby 0 5W USB2 0 connector Playsvideo DivX Xvid h 264 AVI MPG MPEG MKV VOB TS audio MP3 WMA andphotos JPEG BMP PNG Recording format TS LimitedtoMPEG 2DVB Tbroadcastingchannels MP...

Страница 25: ...r manuals driversandupdatesavailable asthepossibilitytosubmitaquerytothe TechnicalServiceorconsultthewarranty Youcanchecktheavailabilityoftheusermanualinyourlanguageathttp www energysistem com en en support manualsAlternatively youmayprefertocontact thedistributorfromwhichyoupurchasedtheproduct presentingthepurchase receiptorinvoice Important This warranty doesn t cover any damage or loss to any d...

Страница 26: ...Finestrat Alicante Spain Tel 902388388 Fax 902119034 NIF A53107488 Wedeclareunderourownexclusiveresponsibilitythattheproduct Energy Sistem DVD Player DVB T Recorder Energy d8 Manufacturing country China IsincompliancewiththeessentialnormsandstandardsoftheDirective2004 108 ECofthe EuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncilofDecember15th2004 ...
