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Once both
buttons are pressed the output DC voltage with parameters that correspond
to the set values. As the voltage is being generated, the LCD displays the set values and actual
voltages, currents and the test duration.
The voltage is generated as long as the
buttons are pressed and held, or when the load
current exceeds the set value. After the test is finished, the results are automatically saved in the
memory and are shown on the display. If the green light is lit, the chamber is acceptable, whereas
the red means the chamber is defect – it is then necessary to clear this signal with ESC button.
Please note that in the TKP-1 tester the criterion for the defect vacuum chamber is the
exceed of the load current of output voltage.
To check the correctness of the result it is advisable to repeat the test on the same chamber
but after changing the DC voltage polarity. To do this, change the places of connecting the HV cable
and neutral wire to the tested chamber with one another.
The output voltage drops within a couple of seconds after the voltage generation is finished.
For the user's safety, before disconnecting the HV cable and neutral wire from the contacts of the
tested chamber, it is required to touch both of the poles with an unloading rod connected to the
station grounding system.
Once the test is finished you can view the memory records, print a test report using the
thermal printer and perform other operations described in this manual
(see Section 3. Structural
description – MENU options)
For safety reasons the device is equipped with emergency switch.
When using the
device it is absolutely necessary to follow the generally applicable
electrical equipment safe operation regulations and the specific instructions on HV measurements.