B. Jump Start Procedure:
A. Opera�on Guidance:
Make sure Power Jumper has at least 60% ba�ery level.
Securely connect the jump clamp to jump clamp socket.
Securely connect the posi�ve (+) red clamp to the posi�ve (+) terminal of the
vehicle ba�ery and securely connect the nega�ve (-) black clamp to the
nega�ve (-) terminal of the vehicle ba�ery.
Turn on power jumper by click func�on bu�on once, then press and hold for
3 seconds.
When the clamps are properly connected to the vehicle ba�ery, the status
indicator of intelligent jump clamp will illuminate a solid green. It’s ready to
jump start your vehicle.
If wrongly connect the posi�ve (+) red clamp to nega�ve (-) terminal of the
ba�ery, and nega�ve (-) black clamp to posi�ve (+) terminal of the ba�ery,
the Power Jumper will shut off immediately to protect the power Jumper and
vehicle. Meanwhile the intelligent jump clamp start beeping.
To turn on:
Press “Func�on Bu�on” once, then press and hold for 3 seconds, and LED Display
shows “ON”.
To turn off:
When USB devices is fully charged or no USB connec�on is detected.
Power Jumper Charging Instruc�on:
To charge Power Jumper, connect the AC adapter to wall outlet and Power Jumper.