Micropilot M FMR244 with FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Block model of the Micropilot M
The Micropilot M contains the follwoing blocks:
Resource Block (RB2)
s. Operating Instructions BA013S: "FOUNDATION Fieldbus - Overview"
Sensor Block (TBRL)
contains the parameters relevant to the measurement
Diagnostic Block (DIAG)
contains the diagnostic parameters of the Micropilot M
Display Block (DISP)
contains the configuration parameters for the display module VU331
Analog-Input-Block 1 bzw. 2 (AI)
scale the signal of the Transducer Block and transmit them to the PLCS
PID Block (PID)
s. Operating Instructions BA013S: "FOUNDATION Fieldbus - Overview"
Arithmetic Block (AR)
s. Operating Instructions BA013S: "FOUNDATION Fieldbus - Overview"
Input Selector Block (IS)
s. Operating Instructions BA013S: "FOUNDATION Fieldbus - Overview"
Signal Characterizer Block (SC)
s. Operating Instructions BA013S: "FOUNDATION Fieldbus - Overview"
Integrator Block (IT)
s. Operating Instructions BA013S: "FOUNDATION Fieldbus - Overview"
Default Block configuration
The input and output variables of the blocks can be interconnected by a network configuration tool
(e.g. NI-Fieldbus configurator). The figure below shows, how these connections are set by default.
Physical Block
parameters of the
physical unit, e.g.
tag No.
signal evaluation
Sensor Block
Parameters that
describe the
device (calibration,
linearisation etc.)
Analog Input Function Block 1
parameters that are important to
the process control system,
e.g. scaling, status
Analog Input Function Block 2
parameters that are important to
the process control system,
e.g. scaling, status
PID Block
Primary value
(main value)
Secondary value