13.1 Maintenance tasks
No special maintenance work is required.
13.1.1 Exterior cleaning
When cleaning the exterior of measuring devices, always use cleaning agents that do not
attack the surface of the housing or the seals.
13.1.2 Interior cleaning
Observe the following points for CIP and SIP cleaning:
• Use only cleaning agents to which the process-wetted materials are adequately resistant.
• Observe the maximum permitted medium temperature for the measuring device .
13.1.3 Replacing seals
The sensor's seals (particularly aseptic molded seals) must be replaced periodically.
The interval between changes depends on the frequency of the cleaning cycles, the
cleaning temperature and the medium temperature.
Replacement seals (accessory part) → 57
13.2 Measuring and test equipment
Hauser offers a wide variety of measuring and test equipment, such as W@M or
device tests.
Your Hauser Sales Center can provide detailed information on the services.
For a list of some of the measuring and test equipment, refer to the "Accessories"
chapter of the "Technical Information" document for the device.
13.3 Hauser services
Hauser offers a wide variety of services for maintenance such as recalibration,
maintenance service or device tests.
Your Hauser Sales Center can provide detailed information on the services.