© 2010-2021 – Endorphin.es®
gets its unique sound from the diffusion in the metal
spring, because higher frequencies travel more slowly through the spring
than lower ones. The CABIN FEVER knob, as usual, defines the decay of the
reverb. We also implemented a unique feature: with the TAP button you can
simulate a sound as if you pluck the real spring with your finger. That gives
the distinct exciting spring reverb sound we all love so much. The Second-
ary function of the CABIN FEVER is tied to the TAP button’s ‘pluck the spring’
feature and defines the DECAY of how fast the spring will calm down after
manually plucking it. The spring plucking may be done manually by using
the TAP button or by applying a trigger into the CABIN FEVER CV input while
being in secondary function. By adjusting the decay to the maximum value,
the spring sounds long (up to infinite) with a small self-oscillation. Keep that in mind when you select this effect.
is a recreation of a stereo delay with the rate of repeats controlled by
a manual tap or by a clock. A ‘tap’ is usually three or more short clicks in a row on the
TAP button, after which the repeats of the delay follow the tempo you have tapped. Dou-
ble internal down-sampling allows the delay to sustain up to a maximum of 2 seconds.
The primary CABIN FEVER parameter defines the feedback of the delay – i.e. how much
sound goes into the feedback loop to be repeated. At full CW knob position, almost no
new incoming sound comes to the feedback loop and the sound regenerates itself in-
finitely. The secondary CABIN FEVER parameter defines the clock division of the incom-
ing tap/clock. These taps/clock come either from the manual TAP button or from the CV IN
jack. The CV IN jack becomes a 0..+5V trigger input in that mode. In the secondary mode
the CABIN FEVER knob range is divided into 6 sectors that correspond to divisions: 1,
3/4, 2/3, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/8. Clock division change is possible during new taps, and is saved after you switch to the primary
mode. Some pitch-shifting artefacts may arise during changing the divisions; just wait a few seconds until the delay buffer
is fully emptied/renewed and you will have a proper tempo calibration. If the total tap applied (after division) is longer than
the maximal time delay can handle, then the maximal tap tempo is set. Since this is a stereo delay, all taps affect the left
and right channel.
is a recreation of Variable Tape Speed Echo machines with 3 fixed playback
heads – inspired by the Roland RE-201 Space Echo, with a warm saturation emulation.
With double internal downsampling, the total delay time is around 1.4 seconds from the
initial echo input until the output of the third delay. The overall time is spread over all
three tape heads/delays, that’s why the total 1.4 seconds may be audible as 480ms de-
lay. In primary mode, the CABIN FEVER knob defines the delay repeat rate (speed of the
tape). B/-5V CV input applied (i.e. an LFO) to the CABIN FEVER CV input, using the
knob as attenuator, may create interesting detuned audio effects. The tap button works
in a limited frequency range of manual tapping, and defines the INTENSITY (number or
repeats, or feedback) of the delays. The faster you tap, the longer the decay (delay tail)
you obtain. The secondary CABIN FEVER parameter works as a divider for the incoming
clock (into CV IN jack) or by using manual taps with the same dividers as in Ping-Pong delay described above.
is an ambient effect to thicken the sound and create unrealistic spaces by vary-
ing the modulation parameters continuously. The chorus effect is the result of delaying
an original signal in time and mixing it with a signal modulated by a few of fixed LFOs and
obtaining unison effect as a result, or to make sound fatter. CABIN PRESSURE defines the
amount of dry and wet signal. Primary CABIN FEVER knob defines the feedback amount. In
average amounts, it creates typical unison effect, however in full CW amount in goes to an
infinite feedback resulting unrealistic ambient. Secondary FEVER parameter defines the
modulation depth, which is 'full on' by default.
long hold
more than 1 sec
enters secondary
depth amount,
full by default
CV modulation
(LFO rate)
from primary mode