IM7310A Rev A
April 7
, 2020
Product Description
The ENDEVCO Model 7310A is an angular rate sensor that utilizes unique silicon MEMS gyroscope technologies with custom
electronics and packaging and provides reliable sensing performance even under excessive shock and vibration
environments. This angular rate sensor is designed specifically for automotive safety testing and other system designs
requiring accurate measurement of angular velocity. As is the practice with all instrumentation, certain electrical
precautions should be followed with pre-installation check-up, mounting and recalibration.
Materials Required
All the materials used in the mounting of the Model 7310A angular rate sensor are supplied with the unit in the shipping
container. These materials, as shown in Figure 1, include:
(1) Allen wrench for 0-80 screws- Endevco P/N EHM2156 (1pc)
(2) 0-80 x 3/8 inch Socket Head Cap Screws- Endevco P/N EH863 (2pc)
(3) Size 0, Flat Washers- Endevco P/N EHW196 (2pc)
For triaxial angular rate measurements, or Six Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) measurements, the user should consider the
Model 7930 Triax & Six Degrees of Freedom Mounting Block which is available as an optional accessory.
Pre-installation Check-up
Before installation of the angular rate sensor, it should be checked to insure proper operation. A simple Output Voltage
test can be conducted with minimal test equipment. Place the unit on the flat surface of a vibration-free table top, apply
the specified excitation voltage to the angular rate sensor (see data sheet for proper wiring hook-up) and measure the
output with a voltage meter. Allow the unit to warm-up for one minute before the output voltage measurement.
The output voltage should be measured on the three tests listed in Table 1. The voltage of +OUT(Green) and –OUT(WHITE)
with respect to GND(Black) should fall in range of +2.3V ~ +2.6V, and the voltage of +OUT(Green) with respect to –
OUT(White) should be within -100mV ~ +100mV.
Table 1. Output Voltae test for sensor check-out
If this initial check does not give a proper reading, which indicates a possible malfunction, and the reason for the erroneous
reading cannot be found, please contact
for troubleshooting or return.
When mounting the Model 7310A angular rate sensor, it is best to utilize the proper techniques and tools listed to ensure
optimum performance. For triaxial angular rate measurements and 6DoF measurements, the Model 7930 Triaxial
Mounting Block is available - see paragraph 5.6 and 5.7 below.
+OUT(Green) with respect to GND(Black)
+2.3V ~ +2.6V
-OUT(White) with respect to GND(Black)
+2.3V ~ +2.6V
+OUT(Green) with respect to –OUT(White)
-100mV ~ +100mV