ECweb is the built in webserver of the ECpvh. All configuration and real time monitoring
of the ECpvh is done via ECweb. Connection to ECweb is done with a standard web
Using a laptop/PC and Internet Explorer browser running on Java is the best option for
connecting to ECweb. Other browsers and mobile devices can be used as well. In this
case FireFox browser is recommended.
Connecting to ECweb with Internet Explorer on PC/laptop
Java from oracle must be installed on PC/laptop.
It is recommended to use the internet explorer browser to download Java. This will
make sure that the java installation is correct to run on Internet Explorer.
1: Type in IP address of the ECpvh in the Internet Explorer browser command line.
Default IP address is:
2: Type in login credentials when prompted.
Default login credentials are:
user: web_user0
password: web_password0
3: Accept/Ignore all warnings populated.
4: If tiles on the front page are out of order, click on the page and they will fall into
place. If any Icons are missing on the tiles, restart the Internet Explorer browser and
start over.
Connecting to ECweb using any her browser or mobile device
For all other browsers on PC/laptop or from any browser on mobile devices.
1: Type in IP address/webvisu.html in the browser command line.
Default IP address is:
2: Type in login credentials when prompted.
Default login credentials are:
user: web_user0
password: web_password0