Users’ Manual
EAN-90M Tiltmeter
Encardio-rite model EAN-90M tilt meter is suitable for
monitoring inclination and vertical rotation of structures. It is a
high resolution tilt meter, is rugged in construction and has
excellent temperature stability.
Tilt change in a structure may be caused by construction activity
like excavation, tunneling or de-watering that may affect the
ground supporting the structure. Change in tilt could also result
from loading of the structure, such as loading of a dam during
impoundment, loading of a diaphragm wall during excavation or
loading of a bridge deck due to wind and traffic. Data from the tilt meter provides early warning of
threatening deformations, allowing time for corrective action to be taken or if necessary for safe evacuation
of the area.
1.1 Applications
EAN-90M tilt meter is widely used in following applications:
Monitoring vertical rotation of retaining walls.
Monitoring inclination and rotation of dams, piers, piles and other structures.
Monitoring stability of structures in landslide areas.
Monitoring tunnels for convergence and other movement.
Monitoring safety of structures around zones of excavation or tunneling.
Monitoring deflection in bridges and struts under different loading conditions.
1.2 Conventions used in this manual
Warning messages calls attention to a procedure or practice, that if not properly followed
could possibly cause personal injury.
: Caution messages calls attention to a procedure or practice, that if not properly followed may
result in loss of data or damage to equipment.
Note contains important information and is set off from regular text to draw the users’ attention.
This users’ manual is intended to provide you with sufficient information for making optimum use of tilt
meters and beam sensors in your applications.
To make this manual more useful we invite valuable comments and suggestions regarding any additions
or enhancements. We also request you to please let us know of any errors that may be found while going
through the manual.
1.3 How to use this manual
The manual is divided into a number of sections. Each section contains a specific type of information. The
table of contents tell you where to look for in this manual if you need some specific information.