IRB-MON Operating Instructions
Document no.
Verification and operation
Verify proper operation of the IRB-MON according to instructions from the
gate operator manufacturer. The intent of External Entrapment Protection
Device Type B1 non-contact sensor is to protect a person from being
accidentally injured by the moving gate or door.
Verify that the IRB-MON transmitter and receiver in line of sight and apply power.
Place an obstruction (ex. hand) between the IRB-MON transmitter and receiver. The green LED
on the receiver is flashing. Check the operator control board that the safety input is actuated.
Remove the obstruction and green LED will be on.
If the IRB-MON does not respond to the obstruction, lower the sensitivity by adjusting the
SENSITIVITY pot counter-clockwise.
If the IRB-MON indicates an obstruction when there is no obstruction, increase the sensitivity
by adjusting the SENSITIVITY pot clockwise.
Follow gate/door manufacturer’s installation instructions and safety checks to verify that the
IRB-MON is operating properly.