Iris+ back box connections explained
9 way D connector
25 way D connector
(OUT -, OUT +, IN - & IN +)
(+ & -)
Aux 232
(RX, 0V & TX)
Rear Tamper
Pager 232
(CTS, RX, 0V, DTR & TX)
Power supply
(0V & 12V)
Relay 3
(A, COM & B)
Relay 2
(A, COM & B)
Relay 1
(A, COM & B)
Alarm Relay
Used for connection to the Iris+ front box.
Used for connection to the Iris+ front box.
RS485 Bus used for remote receiver/output module connection
with the Iris+ receiver. OUT - and OUT + are taken to the remote
receivers/output modules IN - and IN + respectively.
A Link is factory fitted between Tamper IN A and IN B terminals.
This allows operation of the front tamper switch but disables
the rear tamper switch. If the rear tamper switch is also required
two links should be made, these are between Tamper In A to
Tamper Out A and Tamper In B to Tamper Out B.
The remote buzzer output allows up to a 500mA buzzer to be
connected to the receiver, which will follow the operation of the
units internal buzzer.
The Aux 232 is a serial RS232 port which can be used for
importing and exporting system information between the Iris+
and a terminal programme.
This is a two way connector pre-wired from the units rear
tamper switch.
The Pager 232 connector is a RS232 port which is used for
connection to an EMS text pager transmitter . The port is also
used to receive information from EMS alarm control equipment
and also pass this to the pager transmitter.
0Vdc and 12Vdc input to the Iris+ unit. Current draw is 80mA
standard at 12Vdc supply and 250mA at 12Vdc with the Back lit
display activated.
Programmable non energised 1 Amp relay output.
Programmable non energised 1 Amp relay output.
Programmable non energised 1 Amp relay output.
Programmable energised 1 Amp relay output.
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