Precision Ultrasound Balance
Technical Specification
Accuracy (Scale factor)
0.02 watts
<0.1 watts
Stability (short term)
<0.1 watts/10 minutes
Zero Drift ( after warm up)
<0.1 watts/hour
Warm up Time
<10 minutes
Full Scale
30 watts
222 x 300 x 330 mm
4.0 kg (complete)
Water Capacity
1 litre
Recommended Frequency Range
0.8 to 3.5 MHz
Mains adaptor
Power input (AC)
100 mA @ 240V
Power output (AC)
500 mA @12V
Other mains adaptors are available on request.
An optional battery pack is available.
All the above are typical at 23 C.
The balance scalefactor has been programmed assuming the
temperature of the de-gassed water is 23 C. Readings will be
approximately 2% low if the actual water temperature is 13 C, and 2%
high for 33 C.
The EMS Precision Ultrasound balance is supplied in a carrying case.