2. Remove the back casing of the pushbutton
through the hole in the side of the casing with
a screwdriver.
3. Place this back casing outside your home. Use
double side sticker or screws to fix it on the wall.
Although the pushbutton is waterproof, it is
better to place it under the shelter.
4. Reassemble the pushbutton casing.
5. Press the button, signaling LED on the pushbut-
ton indicates that radio signal was transmitted.
Bell unit sounds chosen melody.
6. If the signaling LED does not light, battery is
flat, please replace it. Battery usually last for one
year but it may differ according to conditions.
Note: The pushbutton unit can be placed on
wooden or brick walls, however, do not place it
on metal surfaces or surfaces containing metal. It
might affect the correct function of the unit.
Problem solving
The chime does not work:
• It can be out of specified range.
• Amend the distance between both units of
the set. Communication can be influenced
by some interfering objects.
• Flat battery in the pushbutton.
• Replace the battery according to the polar-
ity indicated.
• Flat batteries in the bell unit
• Replace the batteries according to the
polarity indicated.
The wireless digital doorbell is a sensitive elec-
tronic device therefore it is necessary to follow
these instructions:
• The bell unit should be placed indoor or it can
be used as a portable pager.
• Check the bell and pushbutton frequently and
replace the batteries after a period of time (use
a good quality alkaline batteries).
• Keep the pushbutton away from metal sur-
faces such as UPVC doorpost that has a steel
center core.
• If the unit is left unused for a long period of
time, remove the batteries.
• Do not expose both the bell unit and the
pushbutton to excessive shocks.
• Do not expose both the bell unit and the push-
button to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Do not use any depurators to clean the doorbell.
• Do not intervene in the inside of the doorbell.
• Take flat batteries back to the shop where
you bought them or to a collection spot for
their recycling.
• Take the doorbell back to the shop where you
bought it or to a collection spot after the end
of its lifetime.
Do not dispose with domestic waste. Use
special collection points for sorted waste.
Contact local authorities for information
about collection points. If the electronic devices
would be disposed in landfill, dangerous sub-
stances may reach groundwater and subsequently
food chain, where it could affect human health.
Emos spol. s.r.o. declares that the 98105 is in compli-
ance with the basic requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 2014/53/EC. The device can
be freely operated in the EU.
The Declaration of Conformity can be found at
CZ | Bezdrátový zvonek
Souprava se skládá z tlačítka zvonku (vysílače) a do-
mácího zvonku (přijímače). Domácí zvonek je určen
k trvalému umístění v místnostech nebo je možno jej
používat jako přenosný „pager“. Přenos mezi tlačít-
kem a zvonkem zabezpečují radiové vlny o kmitočtu
433,92 MHz. Dosah závisí na místních podmínkách a
je až 100 m ve volném prostoru bez rušení.
Pro správné použití bezdrátového zvonku si pečlivě
prostudujte návod k použití.
Technické údaje
Dosah: až 100 m ve volném prostoru (v zastavě-
ném prostoru může klesnout až na pětinu)
Párování zvonku s tlačítky: funkce „self-learning“
Kapacita párování: maximálně 8 tlačítek
Počet melodií: 16
Hlasitost zvonění: nastavitelná ve 3 úrovních
Tři různé druhy provozu: pouze zvuková signa-
lizace; pouze světelná signalizace; zvuková a
světelná signalizace
Voděodolné tlačítko (vysílač) s krytím IP44
Pracovní frekvence: 433,92 MHz, 2 mW e.r.p. max
Napájení tlačítka: baterie 1× 12 V (typ A23)
Napájení zvonku: baterie 3× 1,5 V (typ AA)
Uvedení do provozu
1. Sejměte kryt bateriového prostoru na zadní
straně domácího zvonku. Vložte 3 kusy 1,5V
Содержание P5712
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