background image


Diode Test and Circuit Continuity Test




The screen will show the 

approximate voltage of the 

diode in the direction of 

the current flow

No load voltage: 2.1 V


Built-in buzzer indicates 

that the voltage of the 

circuit is lower than 30 Ω

No load voltage: 2.1 V

Overload protection: 300 V DC/AC rms

For circuit continuity testing: When resistance is between 30 Ω 

and 100 Ω, the buzzer may but does not have to sound.

When resistance is higher than 100 Ω, the buzzer will not sound.

Voltage Measurement

1.  To measure voltage, plug the head of the black (negative) 

tipped measuring conductor into the “COM” socket and the 

head of the red (positive) conductor into the “INPUT” socket.

2.  Turn the circular switch to set the type of measured voltage 



. Select measurement in automatic range (AUTO 

appears on the screen) or press the RANGE button to set the 

multimeter to the expected voltage range.

3.  When using the manual setting on a circuit with unknown 

voltage, always set the highest possible range. 


 If “OL” appears on the screen when measuring in a manually 

set range, you must switch to a higher range.

4.  Connect the measuring tips to the measured voltage source.


 The screen will show the measured voltage value. If the volt-

age is direct and the measuring tip is on the positive pole, a 

positive voltage value will be indicated. Otherwise, a minus 

sign will appear on the screen.


1.  When the voltage range is low, the voltage value on the screen 

may be unstable. In that case, the measuring tips were not 

connected to a voltage source. This is a normal phenomenon 

and does not affect measurement. 

2.  Never use the multimeter to measure voltages outside the 300 V 

DC or 300 V AC range.

 Immediately stop measuring if you exceed the 300 V range. 

Otherwise, the multimeter may become damaged and you may 

suffer injury by electric current.

Current Measurement

1.  To measure current, plug the head of the black (negative) 

tipped measuring conductor into the “COM” socket and the 

head of the red (positive) conductor into the “INPUT” socket 

(for currents lower than 200 mA). If the measured current is 

in the 200 mA to 10 A range, connect the red measuring 

conductor to the “10 A” socket instead.

2.  Turn the circular switch to set the measured current to 

µA , mA  or A .

3.  When using the manual setting with an unknown current 

value, always set the highest range, then gradually reduce it 

until the corresponding current value is shown.


 If “OL” appears on the screen, you must switch to a higher 


4.  Use the FUNC button to switch between measuring direct 

or alternating current.

5.  Select measurement in automatic range (AUTO appears on 

the screen) or press the RANGE button to set the multimeter 

to the expected current range.

6.  Connect the tipped measuring conductors serially to the 

measured current in the circuit.


 The screen will show the measured current value. If the cur-

rent is direct and the measuring tip is on the positive pole, a 

positive current value will be indicated. Otherwise, a minus 

sign will appear on the screen.

 Never use the device to measure current in circuits where 

the idle open-circuit voltage is higher than 300 V. 

Measuring current at higher idle voltage may cause damage 

to the device (fuse burnout, electric discharge) or injury by 

electric current!

Always make sure you are using the correct measuring range 

before you measure!

Current Measurement 

(Measuring Clamp DM634 

– Optional Accessory to MD-420)

To measure direct current, you must use a DC measuring clamp.

To measure alternating current, you must use an AC measur-

ing clamp.

1.  Plug the head of the black (negative) tipped measuring 

conductor into the “COM” socket and the head of the red 

(positive) conductor into the “INPUT” socket.

2.  Switch to the 


3.  Use the FUNC button to switch between measuring direct 

or alternating current.

4.  Select measurement in automatic range (AUTO appears on 

the screen) or use the RANGE button to set the multimeter 

to the expected current range. 

5.  When using the manual setting with an unknown current 

value, always set the highest range, then gradually reduce it 

until the corresponding current value is shown.


 If “OL” appears on the screen, you must switch to a higher 


6.  Measurement is done by clamping the measured conductor 

in the centre of the clamp. 


You may only measure one conductor at a time.


 The screen will show the measured current value. If the cur-

rent is direct and the measuring tip is on the positive pole, a 

positive current value will be indicated. Otherwise, a minus 

sign appears on the screen.

Note: Unifying deviation when measuring sensitivity 

1.  The sensitivity of measurement using the clamp is 0.1 A/0.1 mV. 

If you are using a clamp with corresponding sensitivity, the 

stated value is identical to the measured value.

2.  When using a clamp which does not have a sensitivity of 

0.1 A/0.1 mV, the values should be multiplied by a value based 

on the clamp used so that the stated value corresponds to the 

measured value.

 Do not touch the measured circuit by hand or any other 

body part.

Resistance Measurement

1.  To measure resistance, plug the head of the black (negative) 

tipped measuring conductor into the “COM” socket and the 

head of the red (positive) conductor into the “INPUT” socket. 

2.  Switch to the Ω range for resistance measurement.

3.  Choose automatic or manual measurement using the 

RANGE button. If you are measuring in a range you set 

manually and “OL” appears on the screen, you must switch 

to a higher range.

4.  Connect the measuring tips to the measured object (resis-

tor). The screen will show the measured resistance value.


1.  When measuring resistances higher than 1 MΩ, it is necessary 

to wait a few seconds before the measured value stabilises.

2.  In an open circuit, the “OL” symbol will appear to indicate that 

range has been exceeded.

  Before measuring resistance, make sure the measured 

object is disconnected from power supply and all capacitors 

are fully discharged.

Содержание MD-420

Страница 1: CZ Digit ln multimetr SK Digit lny multimeter PL Multimetr cyfrowy HU Digit lis multim ter SI Digitalni multimeter RS HR BA ME Digitalni multimetar DE Digitales Multimeter UA RO Multimetru digital...

Страница 2: ...hed and that the side joints are not coming apart Do not measure voltages higher than 300 V or currents higher than 10 A The COM terminal must always be connected to the refer ence measuring earth Che...

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Страница 18: ...1 mV 0 1 A 1 5 5 pomiar 1 000 A 1 mV 1 A Maksymalne napi cie wej ciowe 200 mV AC Zakres cz stotliwo ci 40 Hz do 400 Hz Uwaga Chodzi o warto redni odpowiadaj c kalibrowanemu skutecznemu przebiegowi si...

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Страница 41: ...41 MD 420 3 5 1 1 3 5 1999 2 AUTO a RANGE a AUTO RANGE b RANGE 2 AUTO 3 FUNC FUNC FUNC C F FUNC 4 5 6 10 A 10 A 7 COM 8 INPUT 200 9 2 15 2 10 11 1999 3 5 A D 2 3 0 C 40 C 75...

Страница 42: ...a A F 250 A L 300 10 A F 10 A L 300 INPUT 200 A 10 A 10 A 2 15 15 AC 200 A 0 1 A 1 5 5 2 000 A 1 A 20 A 0 01 A 200 A 0 1 A 2 A 0 001 A 3 10 10 A 0 01 A A a A F 250 A L 300 10 A F 10 A L 300 INPUT 200...

Страница 43: ...F 0 1 F 1 000 F 1 F 8 10 1 hFE hFE PNP a NPN 0 1 000 Ib 2 A Vce 1 2 1 30 2 1 300 rms 30 100 100 1 COM INPUT 2 AUTO RANGE OL 3 1 2 300 300 300 1 COM INPUT 200 200 10 10A 2 A A A 3 OL 4 FUNC 5 AUTO RAN...

Страница 44: ...1 COM INPUT 2 3 RANGE OL 4 1 1 M 2 OL 1 COM INPUT 2 1 000 F 20 F nF 3 RANGE 4 1 COM INPUT 2 3 FUNC 4 30 1 COM INPUT 2 3 FUNC 4 5 OL 1 hFE 2 COM INPUT 2 3 NPN PNP 4 hFE 2 1 1 Temp 2 FUNC C F 3 COM INPU...

Страница 45: ...l de electrocutare Acest simbol nseamn avertizare risc de pericol Studia i acest manual n toate cazurile unde este utilizat acest semn ATEN IONARE Respecta i n special urm toarele instruc iuni nainte...

Страница 46: ...ateria Nu l sa i multimetrul n locuri cu umiditate i temperatur ridicat sau mediu cu c mp magnetic puternic Descrierea aparatului Multimetrul face parte din seria aparatelor compacte care au un ecrand...

Страница 47: ...300 V Curent intrare maxim Mufa INPUT max 200 mA Mufa 10 A max 10 A la m surarea curentului mai mare de 2 A durata m sur rii trebuie s fie de maxim 15 secunde iar alt m surare se poate repeta peste 1...

Страница 48: ...OL trebuie comutat la gama mai mare 4 Cu butonul FUNC selecta i m surarea curentului continuu sau alternativ 5 Selecta i m surarea n gama auto pe ecran este afi at inscrip iaAUTO sauprinap sareabuton...

Страница 49: ...zi ie PNP sau NPN i stabili i emi torul baza i colectorul Introduce i terminalele tranzistorului n orificiile marcate n reduc ie 4 Pe ecran apare valoarea aproximativ a amplific rii tran zistoriale hF...

Страница 50: ...uri matytis pa eidim Jei izoliacija pa eista gali kilti elektros sm gio pavojus Nenaudokite pa eist matavimo antgali Nenaudokite multimetro jei matavimo rezultatai yra nenor mal s Juos gali sukelti pa...

Страница 51: lizdo 8 Lizdas INPUT Prijunkite raudon teigiam matavimo antgal prie io lizdo nor dami matuoti tamp var talp ar srov iki 200 mA 9 Ekrano foninio ap vietimo mygtukas Palaikius nuspaust mygtuk 2 sekun...

Страница 52: ...i hFE bandymas Intervalas hFE Bandomoji srov Bandomoji tampa PNP ir NPN 0 1 000 Ib 2 A Vce 1 V Diod ir grandin s vientisumo patikra Inter valas Apra ymas Pastaba Ekrane bus rodoma apytikr diodo tampa...

Страница 53: ...statykite matuojamos var os interval 3 Pasirinkite automatin arba rankin interval naudodami mygtuk RANGE Jei interval nustat te rankiniu b du ir ekrane atsiranda simbolis OL tur site nustatyti didesn...

Страница 54: ...r protiniai tr kumai arba patirties ir kompetencijos stoka neleid ia jiems saugiai naudoti prietaiso nebentjieyrapri i rimiasmens atsakingou j saugum Vaikus b tinapri i r ti kadb t u tikrinta kadjiene...

Страница 55: ...j su r c b nav nepiecie amo kalibr anas instrumentu Lai nov rstu elektrisk s str vas rad tas traumas nodro iniet ka dens neiek st multimetra iek pus Pirms multimetra korpusa atv r anas atvienojiet m r...

Страница 56: ...rekvences diapazons 40 l dz 400 Hz P rslodzes aizsardz ba 300 V DC AC vid jais kvadr tiskais spriegums Piez me T ir vid j v rt ba kas atbilst sinusa vi a kalibr tai efekt vai v rt bai Maks ieejas spri...

Страница 57: ...1 Lai m r tu str vu pievienojiet meln negat v elektrisk vad t ja ar uzgali spraudni COM ligzdai un sarkan po zit v elektrisk vad t ja spraudni INPUT ligzdai str vai kas ir zem ka par 200 mA Ja izm r t...

Страница 58: ...iet apa o sl dzi lai izv l tos 3 Izmantojietpogu FUNC laiizv l tosdio um r anu ekr n par d sies simbols 4 Pievienojiet sarkano m r anas uzgali diodes anodam un melno m r anas uzgali katodam 5 Ekr nspa...

Страница 59: ...deklaratsioon CE See s mbol n itab elektril gist p hjustatud vigastuse ohtu See s mbol t hendab hoiatus oht Lugege kasutusjuhendi iga osa kus seda s mbolit kasutatakse HOIATUS Ennek ike j rgige neid j...

Страница 60: ...on saavutatud l litub l liti tagasi madalaimale vahemikule b Manuaalre iimi l petamiseks vajutage ja hoidke nuppu RANGE 2 sekundit all Multimeeter l litub tagasi auto maatre iimile ja s na AUTO ilmub...

Страница 61: sisendpinge 200 mV vahelduvvoolu Sagedusvahemik 40 Hz 400 Hz M rkus See on keskmine v rtus mis vastab kalibreeritud efek tiivsele siinuslainele Takistus Vahemik Eristus T psus 200 0 1 1 2 5 2 k 0 0...

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Страница 63: ...lja Patareide vahetamine Kui ekraanil on s mbol tuleb akusid vahetada Akude va hetamiseks kasutage vastava suurusega kruvikeerajat v iksem kruvikeeraja v ib lukku kahjustada ja p rake multimeetri tag...

Страница 64: ...64 CE 300 V 10 A COM 30 V AC rms 42 V 60 V DC MD 420 3 5 DC AC...

Страница 65: ...A 300 V 5 20 mm F 10 A 300 V 5 20 mm OL LCD CAT III 300 V IP20 158 75 35 mm 200 g 18 C 28 C 75 DC 200 mV 0 1 mV 0 8 5 2 V 0 001 V 20 V 0 01 V 200 V 0 1 V 300 V 1 V 1 5 10 M 300 V DC AC rms 300 V DC 2...

Страница 66: ...1 5 5 1 000 A 1 mV 1 A 200 mV AC 40 Hz 400 Hz 200 0 1 1 2 5 2 k 0 001 k 1 5 20 k 0 01 k 200 k 0 1 k 2 M 0 001 M 1 2 5 20 M 0 01 M 1 5 5 1 V 300 V DC AC rms 20 C 1 000 C 1 C 20 C 0 C 5 4 0 C 400 C 1 3...

Страница 67: ...INPUT 200 mA 200 mA 10 A 10 A 2 A mA A 3 OL 4 FUNC 5 AUTO RANGE 6 300 V DM634 MD 420 DC AC 1 COM INPUT 2 3 FUNC 4 AUTO RANGE 5 OL 6 1 0 1 A 0 1 mV 2 0 1 A 0 1 mV 1 COM INPUT 2 3 RANGE OL 4 1 1 M 2 OL...

Страница 68: ...OM INPUT 2 3 FUNC 4 30 1 COM INPUT 2 3 FUNC 4 5 OL 1 hFE 2 COM INPUT 2 3 NPN PNP 4 hFE 2 1 1 2 FUNC C F 3 K COM INPUT 4 5 K 20 C 250 C 250 C 15 1 90 3 3 1 5VAAA 3 1 F 250 mA L 300 V F 10 A L 300 V 1 1...

Страница 69: ...69 Emos spol s r o MD 420 http www emos eu download EMOS spol s r o ava 295 17 750 02 P erov I City...

Страница 70: ...70...

Страница 71: ...71...

Страница 72: ...ja na ozemeljskem obmo ju Republike Slovenije 9 Proizvajalec zagotavlja proti pla ilu popravilo vzdr evanje blaga nadomestne dele in priklopne aparate tri leta po poteku garancijskega roka 10 Naravna...
