Laws and reference standards
ISO 17484 – Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas
ISO 18225 – Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas
EN 124 - Gratings and manhole covers for areas used by
pedestrians and vehicles. Principles of construction, type
tests, marking, quality control.
EN 331 - Ball and conical male valves with a closed bottom
and manual control for large building gas installations.
EN 751-2 - Sealing materials for threaded metal connectors
in contact with gas of type 1a, 2a and 3a families and with
hot water - non-sealing hardener compounds.
EN 751-3 – Sealing materials for threaded metal connect-
ors in contact with gas of type 1a, 2a and 3a families and
with hot water - non-sintered PTFE tape.
EN 437 - Gas test - Pressure test - Categories of equipment.
EN 1254-1 - Copper and copper alloys - Hydraulic connect-
ors - Connectors for copper pipes suitable for welding or
capillary brazing.
ABNT BR 15526:2012 - Redes de distribuição interna
para gases combustíveis em instalações residenciais e
comerciais - Projeto e execução
Internal network distribution for fuel gases in
residential installation - Project and execution
ABNT/CB-09 -PROJETO DE NORMA 09:301.04-053
Sistema de tubulação multicamada para a condução de
gases combustíveis
ABNT NBR 16544 - Cobre e ligas de cobre - Conexões
com terminais de compressão para uso com tubos
plásticos e multicamada - Requisitos
Copper and copper alloys - Fittings with press ends for
use with plastics and multilayer pipes - Requirements
ABNT NBR 15358 - Rede de distribuição interna para
gás combustível em instalações de uso não residencial
de até 400 kPa — Projeto e execução
Fuel gas internal network in non-residential use
installations until 400 kPa — Design and construction
EN 12954 - Cathodic protection of buried or submerged metallic
structures - general principles and applications for conduits.
EN 13501-1 - Fire hazzard classification of products and
construction elements - Part 1: Classification on the basis
of the results of reaction to fire tests.
EN 1254-2 - Copper and copper alloys - Hydraulic con-
nectors - Connectors for copper pipes with press-fitted
EN 1254-3 - Copper and copper alloys - Hydraulic con-
nectors - Connectors for plastic pipes with press-fitted
EN 1254-4 - Copper and copper alloys - Hydraulic connect-
ors - Combination connectors for connecting different con-
nection types such as capillary brazed or press-fitted.
ISO 228-1 - Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not
made on the threads - Part 1:
Dimensions, tolerances and designation
EN 10241 - Threaded steel pipe connectors.
EN 10226 - Pipe threads for coupling with thread seals.
EN 14800 - Assemblies of metal corrugated safety
pipes for the connection of household appliances that use
combustible gases.