EMFIT Manual-SafeBed-SafeSeat-t46-v1-1-5-v3.0-ENG
connect the sensor, power supply (sold separately) and any additional cables in the following way:
connect the sensor to input X3
It’s possible to attach another
system to the control unit via
input X2 (i.e. Nurse call system)
the power supply (sold sepa-
rately) fits into input X1.
connectors are marked with X1, X2 and X3. these are:
X1 - Power supply connector. use only Globtek Inc.
power supply, model no: GtM41060-1505 and
P/N:WR9QA3000lcP-N-MNk, available as original
accessory from emfit.
X2 - AuX connector for connecting the device to some
other system (cable not included) for transferring
the notification via a dry-contact optocoupler. dRy-
coNtAct outPut of tHe X2 (AuX) coNNectoR cAN
oNly be coNNected to A systeM sAfety voltAGe
INPut WItH MAX voltAGe beloW 25v (Ac) / 60v
(dc), WHeRe botH Poles HAve beeN sePARAted
fRoM tHe electRIcAl NetWoRk (so cAlled
floAtING APPlIed PARt). MAX loAd cuRReNt 100
X3 - sensor connector (use only emfit bed sensor model l-4060sl or seat sensor model l-303sl)
6.1 X2 (AUX) Connector Pin Order
from left to right:
Pin #1
common return
Pin #2
Normally open (No) send
Pin #3
Normally closed (Nc) send
Pin #4
low battery send
Pin #5
Not in use, do not connect
Pin #6
Not in use, do not connect
Pin #7
Not in use, do not connect
Pin #8
Not in use, do not connect
dry-contact output of the X2 (AuX) connector can only be connect to a system safety voltage input
with max voltage below 25v (Ac) / 60v (dc), where both poles have been separated from the
electrical network (so called floating applied part)! Max load current is 100mA.