Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4727, Rev CC
January 2013
Rosemount 8700 Series
Installation Instructions
At an ambient temperature greater than 140 °F/60 °C, and a process temperature
above or equal to 140 °F/60 °C, the flowmeter must be used with heat-resistant cables
with a temperature rating of at least 194 °F/90 °C. At a process temperature greater
than 100 °C, the flowmeter shall be used with heat-resistant cables with a temperature
rating of at least 212 °F/100 °C. Cable entry devices and blanking elements shall be of
an Ex e or Ex n certified type, with a minimum rating of IP54.
IECEx Dust
Certificate Number: IECEx KEM 09.0078
Ex tD A20 IP6x T105 °C (-50
65 °C)
Installation Instructions:
The cable and conduit entry devices and blanking elements shall be of a certified IP6x
type, suitable for the conditions of use and correctly installed. At maximum ambient
temperatures or at process temperatures above 60 °C heat resistant cables with a
temperature rating of at least 90 °C shall be used.
The surface temperature of 105 °C is based on a maximum ambient temperature of 65
°C. When the process temperature is higher than the maximum ambient temperature
(up to a maximum of 180 °C), the surface temperature will be the process temperature
plus 40 °K.
NEPSI - China
E3, EP
NEPSI Increased Safety with IS Electrodes
Certificate No. GYJ071360X
Ex e ia IIC T3...T6 (-20 °C
+65 °C) (see Table 12 on page 30)
InMetro - Brazil
E2, EB
NCC Increased Safety with IS Electrodes
Certificate No. NCC 12.1177 X
Ex e ia IIC T3...T6 (-20 °C
+65 °C) (see Table 12 on page 30)
KOSHA - Korea
E9, EK
KOSHA Increased Safety with IS Electrodes
Certificate No. 2005-2232-QIX
Ex e ia IIC T3 T6 (-20
C) (see Table 12 on page 30)
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