Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VA-DC-000-1878 Rev. 0
December 2020
Section 3: Actuator Reassembly
Actuator Reassembly
Install two split ring halves (3 - 50) into the inner most groove in piston rod (3 - 40)
and retain by installing the recessed area of piston (3 - 30) onto the piston rod and
over the two split ring halves (3 - 50).
Install two split ring halves (3 - 50) into the piston rod, in front of the piston
installed in the previous step and retain with retainer ring (3 - 60).
Install one O-ring seal (4 - 40) onto the outer diameter seal groove of inner end
cap (3 - 10).
Coat one D-ring seal (4 - 60) with lubricant and install into the piston external
seal groove.
The flat side of the D-ring seal goes down into the seal groove.
Coat two tie bars (3 - 20) with lubricant and install by carefully pushing tie bars
through piston (3 - 30) and rod T-seal (4 - 50).
Screw tie bars (3 - 20) into inner end cap (3 - 10) and tighten until the threads
bottom out.
Refer to assembly drawing page 2 of 2 Detail "E". Coat two O-ring seals (4 - 80) with
lubricant and install into outer end cap (3 - 80).
Apply lubricant to one O-ring seal (4 - 40) and install into the outer diameter
O-ring groove of outer end cap (3 - 80).
Apply lubricant to the bore of cylinder (3 - 70).
Install lubricated cylinder (3 - 70) over piston (3 - 30) and onto inner end cap
(3 - 10). When installing the cylinder over the piston seal tilt cylinder 15 to 30
degrees to piston rod.
Carefully install cylinder. If needed, when installing the cylinder, hammer on the end of the
cylinder only with a nonmetallic object.
Install outer end cap (3 - 80) over tie bars (3 - 20) and into cylinder (3 - 70).
The pressure inlet port should be positioned in the same position as recorded in
Section 2.2, step 2.2.1.