Task 2: Run installation script
After hardware installation, you must configure the appliance for your
site, and then run the installation script as described in th
e EMC Ionix
Storage Configuration Advisor Installation Guide
Have the following site information handy:
IP address
Broadcast—The broadcast address for a specific network includes
all values in the host portion of the IP address. On class C
networks, the host portion is the last byte (for example, the fourth
segment), and on class B networks it is the final two bytes. Thus,
the broadcast address for the class C network would be
Secondary DNS
Network—Set to your class C, for example,
Time zone—Use the Linux standard time zone for your site. Refer
to the
EMC Ionix Storage Configuration Advisor Administration Guide
for a complete list.
Task 3: Administer SCA software
SCA is provided with a Security Administrator (
user with
highest Security Administrator privileges) for initial login. This user
can add and modify users, as well as perform normal administrative
tasks. For complete information refer to the
EMC Ionix Storage
Configuration Advisor Administration Guide
Technical support
If you have questions or issues while installing the EMC Ionix Storage
Configuration Advisor appliance, call your EMC Customer Support
Representative or refer to the EMC Powerlink website at http://