Running the Navisphere Host Agent
This section describes how to test the host agent connections and how
to start and stop the host agent.
Starting and stopping the Navisphere Host Agent
On a Solaris server, the host agent starts automatically when you bring
the server up to init level 3. When you first start the host agent, look at
the system log for the server’s operating system to make sure the agent
started and no device errors occurred. The system log is located in
: When a storage system experiences heavy input/output traffic (that is,
applications are using the storage system), information may not be reported
to the host agent in a timely manner, resulting in the host agent taking several
minutes to execute a storage-system management task. This behavior is most
evident when one host agent is managing multiple storage systems. Also, if the
SP event log is large and the host agent configuration file is set up to read all
the events, it may take a few minutes for the host agent to start.
Starting the host agent
Log in as root and enter this command:
/etc/init.d/agent start
Stopping the host agent
Log in as root and enter this command:
/etc/init.d/agent stop
Testing the host agent connections
Before continuing, you should test the host agent connections as
1. Start the host agent as described on Starting and stopping the
Navisphere Host Agent, page 31.
2. Look for any errors on the console and in the operating system log
to make sure the agent started and no device errors occurred.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide