3. View the paths using the echo command as follows:
# echo $PATH
# echo $MANPATH
What next?
If you are setting up a new server, go to Running the Navisphere Host
Agent, page 31. If you are just upgrading the host agent or CLI on an
existing system, you are finished with the upgrade.
Removing the host agent and/or CLI on a Solaris server
: To avoid losing site-specific information, copy the host agent
configuration file (agent.config) to a safe location before removing any
Navisphere software. The following steps describe how to uninstall the host
agent (and the CLI if required).
1. Log in to the server as superuser (root) and start the X Window
System if it is not started.
2. At the command line in an X Window terminal emulator, enter the
following commands:
/etc/init.d/agent stop
cd pkgrm
package is NAVIAGENT or NAVICLI (these names must be
3. Enter y and y to remove the program.
: The removal program removes only the files that were installed
from the installation CD. Files that the CLI creates (for example, log files)
are not removed.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide