storage system management software is available to help you
troubleshoot the system.
If the power buttons do not remain solid/steady green, contact
your authorized service provider.
Powering down the storage system
Never shut down a DPE-AX by disconnecting the AC power cords for
its power/cooling modules. Bypassing the controlled powerdown in
that manner prevents the system from saving any write cache data to
the system drives, and may result in data loss.
1. Stop all I/O activity to the DPE-AX. If the server connected to the
DPE-AX is running the AIX, HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris operating
system, back up critical data and then unmount the file systems
on storage-system virtual disks.
Stopping I/O allows the SP to save any cache data to the system drives,
and may take some time. The length of time depends on criteria such as the
size of the cache, the amount of data in the cache, the type of data in the
cache, and the target location on the disks, but it is typically less than one
minute. We recommend that you wait five minutes before proceeding.
2. For a dual-SP system, after five minutes, use the power switch on
each SPS to turn off power to its corresponding SP.
SPs with power/cooling modules connected to an SPS power down
within two minutes.
3. Push the power button on SPs that are not connected to an SPS:
SP B in a single-SPS system
SP A in a single-SP DPE-AX
Hardware and Operational Overview