KNX address
– KNX physical address of the device
Multicast IP
– multicast IP address
Multicast TTL –
Time to live of multicast telegrams (used in case telegrams are routed in other
6.3.6. Mapping to KNX group addresses
KNX Audio Control
Note! You have to
use external KNX IP Router
(e.g. LogicMachine3) to access the KNX TP1,
as Streaming Player supports only KNXnet/IP (TP is not used due to sound quality distortions).
Simply type the KNX group addresses which will store the current value of player functionality
Play/pause, Next track, Previous track, Track name, Random on/off, Repeat on/off, Volume,
Next playlist, Previous playlist, Playlist name.
Data types:
Play/pause –
1-bit [In/Out]
Next track
– 1-bit [In]
Previous track –
1-bit [In]
Track name –
14-byte string [Out]
Random on/off –
1-bit [In/Out]