Tinyhawk II
Tinyhawk II
Propeller Direction and Mounting
There are 2 spinning directions for Tinyhawk II propellers, Clockwise (CW) and
Counter-Clockwise (CCW). When Buying a set of propellers, 2 CW and 2 CCW will
be given. The blunt leading edge indicates the direction the propeller is suppose to
rotate as compared to the sharp trailing edge. When mounting propellers please
make sure the correct orientation shown in the diagram below.
Failure to mount the propellers in the correct orientation will cause
Tinyhawk II to not fly correctly and with no control. Please double check for the
correct orientation.
1. Line up the 3 struts of the propeller with the 3 struts on the motor bell.
2. Press on the propeller while supporting the backside of the motor with our
3. Press on until the motor shaft is flush with the propeller.
Failure to support the motor sufficiently can cause the frame to break. Use
caution when pressing the propellers on.
Propeller Dismount
Use caution when dismounting the propellers. Only do so if completely necessary to
change to a new propeller.
1. Use a small tool (such as a 1.5mm hex wrench or the small screwdriver
provided) to press on the metal on the bottom of the motor and Tinyhawk II.
2. Press on the blades of the propeller with your fingers until the propellers pop
off the motor.
Failure to support the motor sufficiently can cause the frame to break. Use
caution when pressing the propellers off.