Tinyhawk II
It is possible to place the receiver into Bind Mode via the Betaflight configurator.
In the CLI tab type in this command:
Hit enter and your receiver should be in bind mode. Follow steps 2-3 from
above to complete the binding process.
Emax Tinyhawk II Flight Controller (FC)
This flight controller has a F4 MCU with a MPU6000 gyro. Tinyhawk II flight controller
comes pre-programmed and properly tuned for optimal flight. The flight controller is
programmed with Betaflight 4.0.0. For a full tune and configuration setting file (CLI
dump file) please visit
for the CLI dump file.
Stock Flight Controller Settings
Tinyhawk II is configured to take a channel map of the TAER1234 convention. That
is the channel map is in the respective order: throttle, aileron, elevator, rudder, AUX
1, AUX 2, AUX 3, and AUX 4. The arm switch on Tinyhawk II is set on AUX 1 and
armed with the highest value. AUX 2 is configured for a 3 stage switch to select flight
modes: Acro, Horizon, and Angle activating in an increasing order. AUX 3 is
configured for the beeper. In a high state the motors will beep. AUX 4 is set to Flip
Over After Crash mode (often referred to as turtle mode). Turtle mode is set when
AUX 4 is in a high state. Please configure your radio as described above or change
these settings in Betaflight Configurator.
PID profiles:
PID profile 1 is tuned and optimized for Tinyhawk II with the provided Emax 1s HV
450 mAh battery for ultimate control of flight indoors and outdoors.
PID profile 2 is tuned and optimized for Tinyhawk II with the provided Emax 2s HV
300 mAh battery for ultimate control of flight indoors and outdoors.
Please do not change these values.
Rate Profiles:
Profile 1 is designed for optimal indoor flight control with the Emax 1s HV 450 mAh
Profile 2 is similar to profile 1 but with a different throttle curve for use with 2s
Profile 3 is a more sensitive rate profile tuned for people who like to fly “pincher” style.
These profiles can easily be switched in Betaflight OSD menu.
Adjusting Software Settings (Betaflight Configurator)
Betaflight Configurator can be used to changed programmed settings on Tinyhawk II
and to flash new firmware if desired. Betaflight Configurator and flight controller
firmware can be downloaded at
. The hardware target for
Tinyhawk II Flight Controller is MatekF411RX.
: We do not suggest changing any PID settings on Tinyhawk II or
upgrading the firmware to new versions. Tinyhawk II comes stock with an optimal
tune for superior flight performance. Changing this can affect flight time, overall
speed, control of the aircraft, and excessive heat within the motors.