M a n u a l
F o r O p e r a t i o n
Portable solution to simulate and
measure Battery Supply Voltage
FM Version ≥ 5.09.00
The Automotive industry is facing the necessity to investigate
the behavior of the battery voltage variations and their effects to
electronic components connected to the supply network of the
cars, testing emission and immunity.
The two major international standards describing test
procedures to simulate dif
ferent phenomena’s related to the
battery supply lines are ISO 16750-2 for 12V and 24V supply
voltages and ISO 21848-2 for 42V supply voltage.
ISO 7637-2
ISO 16750-2
ISO 21848-2
SAE J1113
Manufacturer spec as
per GM, Ford, Chrysler,
Mercedes, BMW, VW,
PSA, Renault, Fiat ......
the benchmark for emc
Version: 5.9.1/ 29.02.2016
Replaces: 5.9.0/ 03.02.2016
Printdate: 29.02.16