The input for the untreated water is on the left, the output for the demineralised water for the heating sys-
tem is on the right.
The equipment contains a non-return valve. When the connections are turned, the untreated water can-
not flow through the apparatus.
In the DIN EN 1717 (Germany) field of application, a pipe disconnector must also be installed before
the fill-up station. Follow the guidelines from the water supply company.
PUROTAP profi may only be under pressure for the duration of the filling process. A permanent con-
nection under pressure is not permitted.
Temp. max. 60 °C
Pressure max. 6 bar
Clean the fine sieve periodically
Open the drain valve on the cartridge only when replacing the resin and only if a hose is connected
to the collection sack. Under no circumstances, do not connect the drain valve to a water supply sys-
Empty the water content of the cartridge once before each use, since bacteria can build up after a
long idle period. Also check whether the water accidentally contains resin pellets.