Doll house Assembly
1. Position First Floor into the bottom groove of the
Side Wall, rounded edge towards center,1” from the
edge using Spacer #1 as a ruler.
2. Repeat step one with other Side Wall and First
Floor, ensuring the rounded edge is centered in the
Side Wall. Secure with two Wood Screws.
3. Slide second First Floor into Side Wall grooves
with rounded edge toward the center, flush against
opposite First Floor Secure with two wood screws
4. Slide Second Floor into top grooves of Side Walls
ensuring each end is set in the length of Spacer #2.
Secure either end with two Wood Screws.
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5. On a flat surface Place each Small Partition into
the grooves of the Long Partition, ensuring the bot-
toms are flush. Secure each Small Partition with two
Wood Screws. Drive Wood Screws into Top Backing
7. Align each Small Parti-
tion using Spacer #4 and
secure between Side
Walls And Small Partition
as shown. Secure with
two Wood Screws each.
6. Align Partition assembly in middle of First Floors
and using Spacer #3 between Side Walls and end of
partition assembly. Secure Long Partition with two
Wood Screws through pre-drilled holes underneath
First Floors.