CMe3100 DLMS Plugin User's Manual
CMe3100 DLMS Plugin User's Manual
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Version 1.8
7.4.1 Logical device addressing
The management logical device can be addressed using logical device address 1. Connected M-
Bus meters (meter logical devices) are addressed using logical device address 16..n. A gateway
with a single M-Bus meter connected will consequently have two accessible logical devices; the
management logical device at address 1 and the meter logical device at address 16. If more
meters are connected, the next free logical device address will be used, i.e. 17.
Logical device addressing can only be performed during session establishment.
7.4.2 Channel selection
Channel selection is available after successful association with any of the logical devices.
Channel selection can be used to address and access the different logical devices in the physical
device (gateway). The manufacturer specific OBIS code has been assigned for
this purpose. The COSEM object is of interface class Data (1). The object holds a single
LongUnsigned integer, which is readable and writable on all logical devices.
The default channel selected after a successful association is the same as the logical device
The HES sets the value of this object using xDLMS SET Service. Following APDU (XML
formatted for readability) shows the format of such request selecting the management logical
<InvokeIdAndPriority Value="C1" />
<ClassId Value="0001" />
<InstanceId Value="0080010000FF" />
<AttributeId Value="02" />
<Long-Unsigned Value="01" />
Querying data from the gateway using poll operation
After successful association, the logical device to address can be changed using channel
selection. The gateway will stay on the current selected logical device until disconnect or a new
channel selection is made during the same session.
Depending on selected logical device and the client id, different COSEM objects are available.
7.5.1 Management logical device COSEM objects
Following COSEM objects are available in the management logical device:
Interface Class