Electrical Specifi cation
Voltage: 100V-120V, 60Hz
Power: 130W (MAX)
e Power cords comes out of the left side
of hte screen when lookin at it from the
Installation Procedure
is procedure is designed as a general guide on how to install the
screen. Diff erent circumstances may require diff erent installation meth-
ods. EluneVision recommends that installation is left to installation
It is recommended that the screen is anchored onto a concrete ceiling or
joists for safe operation using 8mm screws/anchors.
Ceiling Mounting:
Use the ceiling mounting brackets as a guide to locate where to place the
concrete anchors. Make sure the anchors go into the ceiling vertically.
Dismounting the Screen Roller Procedure
Unplug the electrical connection where the roller joins to the control box.
ere are four screws that hold the roller to the screen casing. Hold the
screen up while loosening the fi nal screws.
Setting the limit switch
ere are two limit switches with the
screen. Th
e Up Limit Switch and the Down
Limit Switch. Th
e up limit switch comes
preset from the factory - DO NOT TOUCH
IT as turing it in the wrong direction could
damage the screen. Th
e down limit switch
is yellow and the up limit switch is grey. To
make the screen go up, turn the limit switch
counter-clockwise, this is true on both limit