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2.4.3 Video capture format
Select «
Video capture filter...
» in the submenu «
» (Fig. 2.6) for open menu of the
camera settings. Item «
Video capture format...
» appears in the menu only in case of the correct
installation of drivers of the camera and a choice of the working camera. Frame rate is necessary to
set 30 and the frame size to set («Output Size») not less than 640 x 480 px (Fig. 2.9).
Fig. 2.9. Window «Video capture format».
, after changing camera settings in the program MI-Sins frame rate «In» must be in the
range of 25 – 30 FPS.
2.4.4 Checking the settings on the test table
During the first start of Vibraimage system and periodically it is recommended to test image
quality by the test table. It is required to place a test pattern opposite to the camera so that the image
of the table occupies the entire space of the frame. To achieve the optimal contrast range of object is
need to stand in camera settings auto regulation of illumination in case of unstable illumination
(Fig. 2.10) and manual regulation of illumination in case of a constant illumination (Fig. 2.11). The
inscription «Warning! Low quality (1)» in the upper left corner of the image is normal, because there
is no a person's face on the video.
Fig. 2.10. Checking the camera settings on the test table, automatic regulation of the exposure
(mode is recommended for unstable object illumination).