General Information
Thank you for purchasing a Gopher Getter from Elston Manufacturing. We are confident this product
will provide you with years of service.
This Gopher Getter works by creating an artificial tunnel. The poison is dropped into the tunnel where
the gophers find it and die underground out of reach of other animals. The depth of the tunnel is
adjustable to better match the depth that the gophers are digging in your area.
The Gopher Getter will apply approximately 2 lbs/acre of Elston Gopher Getter Bait when the burrows
are spaced 20 feet apart. When used with rolled oats and the seeder slide with the larger 7/8” opening,
the application rate will also be slightly less than 2 lbs/acre. These application rates are an average for
the whole field and will be higher for severe infestations.
We always welcome feedback on our products. If you have
comments, suggestions, or problems with the unit please
contact us at 1-800-845-1385 or email at