5-5. System
You can configure the following eight system related
settings here:
1. User
2. Alarm
3. Notifications
4. Dial
5. Siren
Time & Languages
7. Monitor
8. Home
Details on each setting will be covered in the following
5-5-1. User
You can maintain various user information (i.e. user
name and password) here.
For instruction on other detailed settings, please refer
to the instruction manual for Home Box.
The password for Admin may not be
left blank. This restriction does not
apply to other users.
2. To avoid potential confusion and
difficulty in user management,
identical passwords shared by two or
more users will not be accepted.
Passwords must be no less than 4
characters in length.
When a user does not have a valid
password or a remote, they will be
shown as “Disable” on the list to the
If a user is in possession of a remote, a
remote control icon will appear next to the user in the
edit window.
5-5-2. Alarm Level
You can configure alarm level settings here. Home Box
will take different actions for different levels of alarm
(i.e. sounding the siren/fire siren, make phone calls,
issue SMS messages, notify the Monitor Center, record
the incident in the event log and so forth).
For instruction on other detailed settings, please refer
to the instruction manual for Home Box.
5-5-3. Notifications
You can configure various notification settings here. In
the event of an alarm, the system will make calls to the
phone numbers corresponding to their level of urgency
(Level P, Level 1 and Level 2).
For instruction on other detailed settings, please refer
to the instruction manual for Home Box.