Chapter Five
February 2005
Radio Settings Webpage Fields
Power Level
The transmitter power level desired in mW.
By default this is set to maximum power of 1 Watt.
Data Rate
The radio baud rate in bits per second (bps). Available rates are
19200, 57600, 115200, 230400bps and auto.
By default, this is set as auto.
Fade Margin
When automatic rate is selected, the 905U-E chooses a rate based on
the received signal strength of transmissions. The value nominated
by the Fade Margin, is subtracted from this average of RSSI and then
used to decide which rate to transmit at. A higher value in Fade
Margin will decrease the threshold in signal strength used to switch
down rates.
By default this is set to 10 dB.
Dwell Time
The amount of time, in milliseconds, the 905U-E remains on a
particular frequency whilst frequency hopping. This parameter may
be modified in the event of severe interference to smaller periods of
time. This also has an impact on the maximum size of Fragmentation
Threshold that may be configured.
By default this is set to 400 milliseconds.
Beacon Period
This interval is the period between beacon transmissions sent by an
Access Point. The Beacon Interval is also related to the scan period
on a Station. ??Reassociation interval is ?? times the Beacon Interval
Units will timeout after ?? times the Beacon Interval if no response
is heard.
Refer to ?? for more information.
By default this is set to 20 seconds.
Frequency Hopset
If configured as an Access Point, the unit will use the value
nominated in Frequency Hopset to select which pseudo-random
frequency hopping sequence to use. Clients automatically adujst
their Frequency Hopset to synchronise with the selected Access
By default this is set to 0.
Frequency Hop Pattern
This feature is not implemented in the beta release.
This option
allows modifies the selected hopset pattern, to produce a larger
number of effective hopsets.
By default this is set to 0.