Chapter Five
February 2005
Open Internet Explorer and ensure that settings will allow you to connect to the IP
address selected. If the PC uses a proxy server, ensure that Internet Explorer will bypass
the Proxy Server for local addresses. This option may be modified by opening Tools ->
Internet Options -> Connections Tab -> LAN Settings->Proxy Server -> bypass proxy for
local addresses.
Enter the webpage http://
/ where
is the IP address selected
for the module. A welcome webpage should be displayed as illustrated.
Clicking on any of the menu items, and entering the default username “user” and
password “user” may open Configuration and Diagnostics. If the password has previously
been configured other than the default password, then enter this instead.
Modifying an existing configuration
Open Internet Explorer to the IP address set for the module (ie http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ where
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address set on the 905U-E.), and use menu system to open the item
you wish to modify. When prompted for username and password, enter “user” as the username,
and the previously configured password in the password field.
If IP address or password has been forgotten, the Factory Default switch may be used to access
the existing configuration. Refer to Option 1 Accessing Configuration inside a module for the
first time.
Remote modification of an existing configuration
Care must be taken if modifying the configuration of a module remotely. If the network link is
via a radio link, some changes made may cause loss of the radio link, and therefore the network
It is advisable to determine path of the links to the modules you wish to modify, and draw a tree
diagram if necessary. Modify the modules at the “leaves” of your tree diagram. These will be the
furtherest away from your connection point in terms of the number of radio or ethernet links.
In a simple system, this usually means modifying the Client modules first and the Access Point
Network Settings Webpage Fields
Device Mode
Used to select Bridge or Router mode.
By default this is set to Bridge.
Operating Mode
Used to select Access Point or Client mode.
By default this is set to Client.
Bridge Priority
The priority of the 905U-E, if configured as a bridge, in the Bridge
Spanning Tree algorithm.
By default this is set to the lowest priority at 255.
FTP Enabled
Check this item to enable the FTP server on the 905U-E. The FTP