(Avira Security) .............................. 54
Startup .......................................... 54
Initial Startup ................................ 54
Basic Operations .......................... 54
Using ELMO Play ........................... 55
Startup .......................................... 55
Using File Manger Function .......... 56
Startup .......................................... 56
Screen Description ....................... 56
Cloud Account Settings ................. 58
Uploading Files to Cloud ............... 60
Using Utilities Function ................ 61
Startup .......................................... 61
Screen Description ....................... 61
Using with External Devices.......... 62
Connecting Devices ...................... 62
Displaying the Computer Screen
(Video and Audio) ......................... 62
Controlling the Product from a
Computer (Serial Control) ............. 65
(Video and Audio) ......................... 66
Playing the Audio of the Product
through Other Devices .................. 66
Operation ...................................... 67
Configuring the Source Settings ... 68
Configuring the Settings ............... 70
Startup .......................................... 70
Before Configuring the Settings .... 70
Network and Connection ............... 70
System Settings ............................ 75
Optional Item .................................. 80
Easy Controller .............................. 80
Easy Controller Buttons ................ 81
Troubleshooting and Maintenance 82
Troubleshooting ............................. 82
properly. ........................................ 82
cannot be output correctly............. 82
speaker. ........................................ 83
properly. ........................................ 83
Cannot connect to the network. .... 83
Maintenance ................................... 84
Cleaning of the LCD display ......... 84
Specifications ................................ 85
Product Specifications .................. 85
After-Sales Service ........................ 87
Product Warranty ........................... 87
Repair Procedure ........................... 87