Elmes Electronic 04.2015. All rights reserved.
featuring motor soft start & stop function ver. 1.16
The panel is designed to control operation of 12V Direct Current motor in automatic gate installation in which opposite motor rotation (gate movement)
is achieved by reverse of power supply polarity. Below listed are features of the STB24VM1 panel:
highest security KEELOQ
dynamic code
with the use of key-fob hand transmitters,
superheterodyne receiver allowing better signal selectivity as well as better operation range with up to 112 Elmes Electronic made hand
motor soft start and stop function
guaranteeing protection against mechanical overload thus extending operation life of the gate,
mechanical tension reduction by short pulsing the motor in reverse direction,
motor sensitivity to overload level adjustable in both movement directions of the gate,
parking mode of operation with hand transmitter command opening gate only,
terminals for installation of NC (normally closed) type photo cell,
terminals for connection of end of line (EOL) contacts type NC (normally closed) or NO (normally opened),
terminals for installation of flashing warning lamp or courtesy lamp,
functions extending operation security of automatic gate.
Operation modes and functions
of the control panel are selected by
jumpers JP1…JP11, where CLOSE meaning jumper shorted.
– gate’s lamp functioning:
– warning lamp, flashing at gate’s movement – slower in opening direction and faster in closing direction,
– courtesy lamp lighting continuously at gate’s movement;
Functioning of the gate’s lamp depends on selection made by JP1 and JP2:
Gate’s auto closing
Warning lamp: JP1
Courtesy lamp: JP1
Set ON: JP2
opening-slow flashing, PAUSE-lights cont., end of PAUSE
flashing, gate’s closing–flashing fast, gate’s closed–lamp off
Lamp lights at gate movement, at PAUSE
and 60s after gate stop
Set OFF: JP2
– slow flashing, closing – flashing fast, on gate’s stop lights
for programmed time span
Lamp lights at gate’s movement and after
gate’s stop at time equal to PAUSE time
– automatic gate closure. After gate opening PAUSE time starts and the gate will automatically close on pause time lapse. Functioning of the
control panel in PAUSE time depends on settings made with jumpers JP3 and JP4.
CLOSE - auto closure off
– after opening the gate’s panel is awaiting signal command to close from hand transmitter or WR switch,
- auto closure on
– after gate opening PAUSE time starts and the gate will automatically close on pause time lapse.
– parking mode of operation.
CLOSE - standard mode: hand transmitter or WR switch commands consecutive open-stop-close-stop-
open… operation of gate;
- parking mode: hand transmitter or WR switch commands opening of gate only. Command made at gate closed will start opening.
Command made at gate opening would have no reaction. Command made at PAUSE would repeat the pause time. Command
made at gate’s closing would stop the gate and start opening. This mode requires gate’s auto close function set off (JP2 – OPEN).
– response mode to photo cell signaling at PAUSE. Photo cell signaling at gate’s opening would have no response from control panel while
signaling at gate’s closing would reverse movement and open the gate. At PAUSE time (with auto close function on) signal from photo cell
would stop pause time count. With photo cell signal disappearance, the control unit response would depend on JP4 settings:
– PAUSE time count will restart,
– the gate will close after 5 seconds.
JP5 - define EOL contacts type:
CLOSE - EOL contacts NO (normally open) type,
OPEN - EOL contacts NC (normally closed) type.
– gate’s soft stop. Gate’s stop commanded by EOL contact, hand transmitter or photo cell is preceded by motor’s 1-2s slowdown movement.
See also JP-11 for gate movement dependence on type of used EOL contacts.
– function set OFF
– function set ON
– slowdown rotation timing at EOL:
CLOSE - ca 1 second; OPEN - ca 2 seconds.
– soft start. With this function set on gate’s start is accelerated in one second time span protecting against violent pull out.
CLOSE - soft start off; OPEN
– soft start on.
– mechanical tension loosening - is obtained by applied short pulse command in opening direction, after closing the gate.
CLOSE - set off; OPEN
– set on.
– Reaction to overload. Potentiometers marked „OTWIER.” (OPEN) and „ZAMYK.” (CLOSE) installed on controller’s board adjust overload
detection sensitivity level in both
directions of gate’s movement. The sensitivity should be practically adjusted at gate’s installation to level pro-
tecting humans or objects that may collide with moving gate against personal injury or damage. Too sensitive level may stop and reverse
gate’s movement even at slightest obstruction on gate’s way such as snow. Jumper JP10 defines the way panel reacts to overload:
– detected overload at closing would fully open the gate while at opening would reverse to close direction for 1 second.
– detected overload stops the moving gate only.
– type of used EOL contacts. If gate’s soft stop function is selected (JP6 - OPEN) then, after EOL is detected, gate starts slow down movement
lasting 1-2 seconds with possibile situations, as described below.
If magnetic type EOL contacts are used then gate may move beyond EOL detector (see next page figure) or, even move to or bypass reverse
movement EOL contact. The controller memorises last position of gate even on power supply cutoff (opened, partly opened or closed).
In the case of no power supply, the user must remember to manually close manually opened gate or, at least, leave it mid-opened allowing
minimum 4 seconds motor movement on power return. Otherwise, if the gate is manually left opened, the gate remembers its last closed posi-
tion and starting open movement on transmitter command may cause power overload or mechanical failure after power supply return.
IMPORTANT! Position gate in mid-way on first movement after controller installation.
If mechanical type EOL contacts are used then the problem with bypassed EOL contacts does not occur. Contacts state precisely define
gate’s current position so, if on power supply cut-off, the gate is manually opened and left opened, then it will close on transmitter’s command
after power supply return.
CLOSE - EOL mechanical contacts.
- EOL magnetic contacts.