Acoustic control
© Elma GmbH & Co KG
BA/watch-matic lII/GB/0108
12 Acoustic
By means of a loudspeaker, which makes part of the standard
accessory, you can check the beat noise for irregularities and
An acoustic check is recommended when a clean diagram is
not formed with the normal amplification adjustment or when
the diagram shows irregularities which are not easily explicable.
Printout of the results
The following chapters can be used only if your instrument is
equipped with a printer.
13.1 Numerical
If the
key is pressed during a continuous measurement,
the results shown in this moment for rate, amplitude and beat
error will be printed out. In addition, the two header lines will be
printed out.
After each printout the paper is feed forward, so that the strip
can be tired off and attached to the watch.
13.2 Graphic
If the key print
is pressed at the moment of a frozen display
(after pressing the key
), the full actual display and
diagram will be printed out in a graphic form.
14 Operating
The following information is not necessary for operating the
watch-matic III
, but can help to understand the functioning of
the instrument and to interpret the displays correctly.
Beat noise of the watch
The beat noise of the watch is usually composed by three
different pulses:
The first noise results when the ellipse on the balance wheel
touches the fork (A). As to
time, this beat is very precise and is used for producing the
graph as well as for calculating
the rate and the beat error.
The contact of the escape wheel with the entry pallet
produces a second pulse (B). This noise is very irregular
and will not be used for the evaluation.